such amendments shall have the force of law in the same manner as
if they had been originally incorporated in the schedule.
Each employee in the Classified and Unclassified Service is paid at
one of the rates set forth in the pay plan for the grade or class of
position in which he is employed. Faculty positions, librarians, and
registrars of the University of Maryland, State teachers colleges, and
Morgan State College are excluded from the jurisdiction of the Salary-
Board. The Board formulates rules and regulations for the adminis-
tration of the Act. These rules include provisions for automatic
increases, from minimum to maximum, of the rates established by the
schedule; and, after approval by the Governor, have the force of law
(Code 1957, 1960 Supp., Art. 64A, sees. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30).
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $2,084,690 $1,367,090
Staff: None.
Board of Trustees
Chairman: Hooper S. Miles, State Treasurer
Ex officio members: Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Treas-
ury; James G. Rennie, Director, Department of Budget and
Procurement; Russell S. Davis, State Commissioner of
Appointed by the Board of Public Works: Albert W. Ward, 1961.
Elected by the members: George W. Phillips, 1963; Robert L.
Serviss, 1965.
Christ G. Christis, Director
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: 837-9000
The Employees' Retirement System was established by Chapter 377,
Acts of 1941, to provide a plan of retirement for, and administer
pensions to, retired State employees. The System is directed by a
board of seven trustees, four of whom are ex officio; of the other
three, one is appointed by the Board of Public Works for a four-year
term, and two are elected for four-year terms by the State employees
who are members of the Retirement System. Not included within the
Retirement System are the faculty members of the State teachers'
colleges, Morgan State College, and the University of Maryland, who
are members of the Teachers' Retirement System; the uniformed per-
sonnel of the Maryland State Police, who have their own retirement
plan; and certain other groups of State employees as defined by law
(Code 1957, Art 73B, sees. 1-34; 1959 Supp., Art. 73B, sees. 3, 9, II,
27A, 34; 1960 Supp., Art. 73B, sees. I, II, 14; 1961 Supp., Art. 73B,
sees. 1, 3, 13, 26, 34.) Since June 1, 1956, Social Security coverage has
been administered through the Division of Social Security for all State
employees and all teachers (Code 1957, Art, 73B, sees. 35-45; 1959
Supp., Art. 73B, sec. 37A; 1960 Supp., Art. 73B, sees. 40, 42; 1961
Supp., Art. 73B, sees. 37, 40, 43.)
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $13,084,164 $10,393,022
Special Funds 77,186 83,407
Totals $13,161,350 $10,476,429
Staff: 30.