of the Department was enlarged to serve the State as well by
Chapter 474, Acts of 1916. The Department collects, compiles, and
indexes information on all questions of proposed legislation. It inves-
tigates and reports on the laws of Maryland and other states at the
request of the Governor, any committee or member of the General
Assembly, or any State agency. At the request of a member of the
General Assembly, the Department prepares or aids in the drafting
of any law or resolution. During sessions of the General Assembly,
the Department maintains offices in the State House at Annapolis.
Each department of the State Government must transmit to the
Department of Legislative Reference at least two copies of each of
its reports, which are used for exchange and reference purposes. The
Department keeps a complete index and a complete file on all bills
introduced in the General Assembly from 1908 to the present. It also
keeps copies of the codes and laws of other states, and it maintains
a library of books, pamphlets, reports, periodicals, and clippings on
matters of current public and political interest. The Department also
has supervision of the Archives of Baltimore (Code 1957, Art. 41, sees.
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $39,848 $31,153
Staff: 4.
John S. Shriver, Director
Leo A. Courtney, Jr., Administrative Analyst
Vacancy, Administrative Analyst
Edward A. Rheb, Administrative Analyst
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: 837-9000
The Fiscal Research Bureau was established within the Department
of Legislative Reference by Chapter 605, Acts of 1947. The Bureau
acts as a staff agency of the Governor, the General Assembly, and the
Legislative Council in tax and fiscal matters; makes any investiga-
tions of State or local tax problems that they may request; and assists
any commissions or committees that they, or a standing committee of
the Legislature, may appoint to study taxation or related questions.
The Bureau's general duties include the study of State agencies,
study of State and local taxation, study of State and local financial
affairs and fiscal relationships, collection of data on the revenue and
expenditures of the State's political subdivisions, and compilation and
publication of financial data on the subdivisions. Each county, incor-
porated city or town, or special taxing district is required to submit
a fiscal report to the Bureau annually (Code 1957, Art. 41, sees. 145-52;
Art. 19, sees. 35-41).
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $59,886 $61,263
Staff: 6.
Control of State Employment
Russell S. Davis, State Commissioner of Personnel, 1967
Wayne W. Ransom, Assistant to the Commissioner