selves and their Families to the said PROVINCE, with fitting
Vessels, and suitable provisions, and therein to settle, dwell,
and inhabit; and to build and fortify Castles, Forts, and
other Places of Strength, at the Appointment of the afore-
said now Baron of BALTIMORE, and his Heirs, for the
Public and their own Defense; the Statute of Fugitives, or
any other whatsoever to the contrary of the Premisses in
any wise notwithstanding.
X. WE will also, out of our more abundant Grace, for
US, our Heirs and Successors, do firmly charge, constitute,
ordain, and commend, that the said PROVINCE be of our
Allegiance; and that all and singular the Subjects and
Liege-Men of US, our Heirs and Successors, transplanted,
or hereafter to be transplanted into the PROVINCE afore-
said, and the children of them, and of others their Descend-
ants, whether already born there, or hereafter to be born,
be and shall be natives and Liege-Men of US, our Heirs and
Successors, of our Kingdom of England and Ireland; and
in all Things shall be held, treated, reputed, and esteemed
as the faithful Liege-Men of US, and our Heirs and Suc-
cessors, born within our Kingdom of England; also Lands,
Tenements, Revenues, Services, and other Hereditaments
whatsoever, within our Kingdom of England, and other our
Dominions, to inherit, or otherwise purchase, receive, take,
have, hold, buy, and possess, and the same to use and enjoy,
and the same to give, sell, alien and bequeath; and likewise
all Privileges, Franchises and Liberties of this our King-
dom of England, freely, quietly, and peaceably to have and
possess, and the same may use and enjoy in the same Man-
ner as our Liege-Men born, or to be born within our same
Kingdom of England, without Impediment, Molestation,
Vexation, Impeachment, or Grievance of US, or any of our
Heirs or Successors; any Statute, Act, Ordinance, or Pro-
visions to the contrary thereof, notwithstanding.
XI. FURTHERMORE, That our Subjects may be incited to
undertake this Expedition with a ready and chearful Mind:
KNOW YE, that WE, of our especial Grace, certain Knowl-
edge, and mere Motion, do, by the Tenor of these Presents,
give and grant, as well to the aforesaid Baron of BALTI-
MORE, and to his Heirs, as to all other Persons who shall
from Time to Time repair to the said Province, either for
the sake of Inhabiting, or of Trading with the Inhabitants
of the Province aforesaid, full License to Ship and Lade in
any the Ports of US, our Heirs and Successors, all and
singular their Goods, as well moveable as immoveable,
Wares and Merchandise, likewise Grain of what Sort so-
ever, and other Things whatsoever necessary for Food and