County Manager"" |
Stella B. Werner, 4th District
Joe M. Kyle, 6th District
Stanley B. Frosh, At Large
William F. Hickey, At Large
Howard Lee Cook, Jr, Clerk
Alfred H. Carter, Attorney
Mason A Butcher |
1962 |
Finance |
Director, Department of Finance™
Supervisor of Assessments |
Alex K. Hancock
•Wilton T. Allen |
Appeal Tax Court(107) |
Rugene Gressman
Robert Watts Farmer
Nathaniel J. Ely |
1964 |
Financial Advisory Committee(108) " |
Clark L Fauver, Chairman |
1962 |
Elections |
Board of Supervisors of Elections |
Delaney F. Brown
Osbourne E. Williams
Forrest B. Snyder |
1963 |
Permanent Board of Registry |
Ward W. Caddington
Rose K. Dawson |
Pub |
lie Safety |
Director, Department of
Public Safety(109) |
Vacancy |
Superintendent of Police(110)
Jail Warden(110)
Fire Marshal(110)
Director, Civil Defense |
James S. McAuliffe
John D. Ford
Charles H. Howe
Mason A. Butcher „
Rear Adm. Glenn Roy Hartwig,
U.S.N., Ret., Deputy |
Deputy Medical Examiner |
Frank J. Broschart, M D |
Safety Board (Advisory)(111)
Fire Board (Advisory )(112)-
Civil Defense Advisory |
Clark F. King, Chairman
Marbery Gates, Chairman |
1961 |
Committee(113) |
Lewis B, Hershey, Chairman |
1962 |
Health, Education, and Welfare |
Health Officer William J. Peoples, M.D, M.P.H
Advisory Health Committee(114) DeWitt E. DeLawter, Chairman
Commission for Medical Care |
(Advisory)(115) Henry Laughlin, M.D. |
105Appointed by the County Council
106 Appointed by the County Manager with the consent of the County Council
107 Appointed by the County Council for 3 year staggered terms.
108 Composed of 6 members appointed by the County Council for 3 year terms.
109 The County Manager fills this office ex officio.
110 Appointed by the County Manager with the consent of the County Council
111 Currently composed of about 50 members appointed by the County Council for one
year terms
112 Composed of one delegate from each file department
113Composed of 26 to 31 members appointed by the County Council for one year terms
114 Composed of an unspecified number of members appointed by the County Council for
one year terms
115 Composed of 14 members serving 1 year terms Three members are appointed by the
County Council, 3 by the Montgomery County Medical Society, and the others by the
hospitals the Welfare Board, the Mental Hygiene Society, and the Montgomery Count}
Nursing Home Association