HARRY T. PHOEBUS, Republican, Somerset County; born in Oriole,
February 24, 1893. Attended Oriole public schools. Automobile dealer
and real estate broker. County Commissioner, Somerset County,
1921-26. County Treasurer, Somerset County, 1926. Commissioner of
Labor and Statistics, 1937. Married. Member of the House of Delegates,
1917-21. Member of the Senate, 1935-37, and since 1947. Minority
Leader since 1955.
JAMES A. PINE, Democrat, Baltimore County; born in Princeton,
W. Va„ August 12, 1912. Attended West Virginia public schools;
West Virginia University, B.S., 1938; Washington and Lee University;
University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1944. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1944. Counsel, Baltimore County Board of County
Commissioners, 1950-51; Solicitor, Baltimore County, 1951-63. Trustee,
Calvary Baptist Church, Towson. Member, Elks; Lions; Masons;
Moose; Shrine. Married. Member of the Senate since 1959. Chairman,
Executive Nominations Committee, 1961.
JOHN L. SANFORD, JR., Democrat, Worcester County; born in
Baltimore, November 13, 191O. Attended Mount Washington Seminary
and Loyola High School, Baltimore; Georgetown University; Wash-
ington College, A.B., 1932; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B.,
1935. Order of the Coif. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1935. State's
Attorney, Worcester County, 1951-66. Member, American and Maryland
Bar Associations. Married. Member of the Senate since 1959.
CHARLES M. SEE, Republican, Allegany County; born in Cumber-
land, May 12, 1902. Attended Maryland School for the Blind, Overlea;
graduated 1924. Field Representative and Trustee, Maryland Work-
shop for the Blind. County Chairman, Governor's Committee for Em-
ployment of the Physically Handicapped. Member, Allegany County
Commission on the Problems of the Aging. President, Allegany-Garrett
County Chapter of Muscular Dystropny Association of America.
Member, Board of Trustees, Potomac Valley Friends Aware of Handi-
capped Children. Member, Advisory Board, Holy Cross Episcopal
Church. Member, Elks; Eagles; Knights of Malta. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates, 1988-55. Member of the Senate since 1955.'
FRANK E. SHIPLEY, Democrat, Howard County; born in Savage,
October 9, 189O. Attended Howard County public schools; Western
Maryland College, A.B., 1911; University of Maryland Medical School,
M.D., 1915. Physician. Served in Medical Corps, U. S. Army, during
World War 1. Treasurer, Howard County, 1930-46; member and past
president, Board of Managers, Rosewood State Training School. Direc-
tor and vice-president, Laurel Building Association; director, Patapsco
National Bank of Ellicott City; past president, Howard County Medical
Society. Member, Eastern Star; Masons; Maryland Jockey Club.
Married. Member of the Senate since 1966.
GEORGE E. SNYDER, Democrat, Washington County; born in
Hagerstown, January 12, 1929. Attended Hagerstown public schools;
University of Maryland; University of Maryland Law School. Whole-
saler. Ex-officio member, Washington County Economic Development
Commission, 1959-62. Member, Hagerstown Kiwanis Club. Past presi-
dent, Maryland Junior Chamber of Commerce. Past president, Hagers-
town Junior Chamber of Commerce. Former member. Board of Direc-
tors and Membership Chairman, United States Junior Chamber of
Commerce, 1958. Received Clayton Frost Award, 1957, as outstanding
State Junior Chamber of Commerce President in the nation. Married.
Member of the Senate since 1959.
1 Appointed to the Senate, May 10, 1955, vice Robert B. Kimble, resigned.