Miscellaneous Commissions
Chairman: Charles B. Allen
Calvin H. Cropper, Richard A. Henson, Harold J. Lipscomb,
W. LeRoy Lyons, James J. O'Donnell, R, Eugene Rude,
T, Donald Shires, Sam L. Silber.
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: 837-9000
At the request of the General Assembly, the Governor appointed
this Commission in 1961 to prepare a long-range plan for air trans-
portation services for Maryland. The Commission is composed of
members of the State Aviation Commission and the Economic Devel-
opment Commission, a representative of the State Planning Depart-
ment, and members representing Cumberland, Hagerstown, Baltimore,
Easton, and Salisbury. The Commission is to present historical facts,
develop present conditions, forecast future air carrier service require-
ments in the State, develop a proper program for assisting communi-
ties in their responsibility in connection with securing and holding air
carrier service and make other pertinent recommendations. The Com-
mission is to make its report to the Governor not later than Septem-
ber 1, 1961 (J. R. No. 28, Acts of 1961).
Adelyn Breeskin, James B. Lewis, Wilbur H. Hunter, Jr.
The Board of Public Works created this three-member art commis-
sion in August 1961 to advise the State on the artistic design and
aesthetic ornamentation on public buildings.
Chairman: Hooper S. Miles
Ex officio members: A. Gordon Boone, J. Raymond Buffington, Jr.,
Edmund L. Carr, J. Harold Grady, Preston L. Hale, William S.
James, Christian H. Kahl, D. Paul McNabb, Marvin Mandel,
Ridgely P. Melvin, Jr., Charles M. Moore, Daniel M. Murray,
Jr„ James A. Pine, Louis N. Phipps, Charles M. Scott, Frank E.
Shipley, Edward O.Weant, Jr., Frank W. Wilde.
Appointed members: William B. Bergen, Richard F. Cleveland,
Harry B. Cummings, Francis Filbey, John B. Funk, Walter J.
Jeffery, Martin D. Jenkins, William E. McGuirk, Jr. William J.
McWilliams, Beverly H. Mercer, Joseph Meyerhoff, W. Griffin
Morrel, Robert H. Roy, C. Thompson Stott, J. Theodore Wolfe,
Abel Wolman.
Stephen D. Moses, Executive Director
2104 Mathieson Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: 539-8546
The Governor appointed this special Commission in 1961 to study
and recommend solutions to certain problems affecting the Baltimore
metropolitan area. These include planning and zoning control, air and
water pollution control, sewage disposal, health and welfare services,
housing, parks and recreational facilities, civil defense, redevelopment
and taxes. The Commission includes seventeen members, all of whom