John R. Jewell, Commissioner
Michael A. Noppinger, Deputy Commissioner
Owen R, E. McGeeney, Comptroller
Guilford Avenue, at 21st Street, Baltimore 18 Telephone: 235-3900
The Office of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles was established
by Chapter 207, Acts of 191O. The Commissioner, who is a career
employee, serves as the Director of the Department.
The Department issues all drivers' licenses in the State, and appli-
cants are required to pass an eye test, written examination of the
Motor Vehicle Laws of Maryland, and a driving test. These examina-
tions are conducted in Baltimore City and in twenty-three other cities
and towns throughout the State. All operators' licenses must be re-
newed every two years according to the holder's birthmonth, in the
"odd" year, if born in an "odd" year, or in the "even" year, if born in
an "even" year. The Department titles and registers motor vehicles.
It must issue a title before license plates. The Department collects
an excise tax of two per cent of the fair value of the vehicle for
each title issued. All commercial vehicles operating for hire within
the State must file with the Department a certificate of Financial
Responsibility Insurance in the amounts of $10,000, $20,000, and
$5,000 and obtain a gratis permit to be carried with the vehicle at all
times. All persons involved in accidents resulting in personal injuries
or any property damage in excess of $76.00 must file a report with
the Department and comply with the provisions of the Financial
Responsibility Law. All persons who fail to pay judgments in excess
of $26.00 are subject to the Financial Responsibility Law.
The Department maintains a record of each individual driver who
has been convicted of violating the motor vehicle laws. It conducts
hearings to determine whether or not the driver's license should be
suspended or revoked as a result of a motor vehicle conviction; if he
is proved physically or mentally unfit to drive, his case comes before
the Department's Medical Advisory Board for final decision. He may
appeal to the Courts from the decision of the Commissioner, except
in those cases where the revocation is mandatory. On January 1, 1961,
the Point System went into effect.
All fees collected for the registration and titling of motor vehicles
and all fines collected are deposited by the Department to the credit
of the Motor Vehicles Revenue Fund (Code 1957, Art. 66%, sees. 4-6,
10, 22-29, 90, 116-35, 341; 1961 Supp., Art. 66 1/2, sees. 8, 86A, 114A,
118-123). In 1960 these fees amounted to $40,740,413.41.
Appropriations 1961 1962
Special Funds ............................. $3,624,571 $4,291,556
Staff: 612.
Chairman: Warren Nigh, 1962
Vice Chairman: C. Harold Whittum, 1962
Secretary: Henry B. Suter, 1962
Ex officio members: John R. Jewell, Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles; F. Doug-lass Sears, Insurance Commissioner
Appointed member: H. W. Reeder, 1962
Manager: John H. Calhoun
Assistant Manager: William T. S. Bricker
Principal Account Clerk: Bonnie L. Neal