Second. Injury Fund.............. 125
Second Judicial Circuit;
election returns ..........365,381
Judges listed .,,.. ,., 218
and Kent County ............ 329n
and Talbot County ........... 841n
Secondary Highway System....... 92-93
Secretary of State:
Biographical Sketch .......... vii
duties .............36-37,111,152
historical list .............580-81
publications ................. 172
Seed Inspection Service. .......... 60
Self-Survey Commission of the Mary-
laud Government .............. 153
Senate, State:
Biographical Sketches ..190-94,211
committees listed ............ 183
and county appointments.... 302-03
duties .................... 179-80
election returns ............. 367
President .....131,160,181,58S-84
qualiflcations for members..... 179
representation on State agencies,
70, 71, 81, 149, 156, 157, 160
Roster of Members. ........ 185-86
term of office ............... 179
and Unit System. ............ 374
vacancy .................... 179
Senate Committee on Intergovern-
mental Cooperation ............ 149
Senator, U. S.:
election returns 359, 275-76, 384, 394
historical list ............. 592-94
nomination of ............... 374
Seneca Creek State Park.......... 105
death ...................... 82
indeterminate ...........83,84,86
Seth State Forest. ,. . .,. 104
Seventh Congressional District:
boundaries .................. 595
election returns ..864,380,386,397
map ....................596,597
Seventh Judicial Circuit:
election returns ..866,382,388,899
Judges listed ............... 218
and Juvenile causes .•....••• .834n
Seventy-ninth Infantry Division. . . . 28
Sewage disposal:
Annapolis .................. 276
Montgomery County ...... .111—12
Prince George's County.....111-12
regulated .............64,109,120
State buildings .............. 111
studied ..................... 151
see also Metropolitan Commission; |
Sanitary Commission; Urban
Services Commission
Sewerage, Baltimore City Bureau of. 353
Baltimore City .............. 349
counsel ....,.,,......,.,.... 46
elected ..................... 301
see also officers under individual
Articles of Confederation. . .... 590
Declaration of Independence... 590
Federal Constitution ......... 590
Silver Cross Home for Epileptics,
Inc. ......................... 273
Silver Spring .............89,634,637
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore,...272,274
Sixth Congressional District:
boundaries ...... ... .. ... 595
election returns ..364,380,386,396
map ....................... 596
Sixth Judicial Circuit:
election returns,
Judges listed ............... 21&
Sixth Massachusetts Regiment. - . . , 26
Slaves, Negro ..................23,27
Slot Machine Inspector, Charles
County ....................... 319
Small Loan Law ................. 118
Smallwood State Park ............ 105
Snow Hill, Worcester County,
347, 610, 616, 625, 634
Social Security:
see Employment Security,
Department of
Social Security, Division of........ 50
Social Security, General Assembly
committees on ......... ... .. 183
Social Security Act,.............. 129
Social Security Division, U. S. De-
partment of Health, Welfare, and
Education .................. 41
Soil conservation ..............59,109
see also Soil Conservation District
Soil Conservation Committee, State. 109
Soil Conservation-District Supervisors:
appointed .,. .. .. ,. .109, 303
see also officers under individual
Soil Conservation Service, U. S. ..., 109
Soldier's Bonus Bill,............. 180
Baltimore City ......351, 351n, 354
Baltimore County .........801,309
Somerset County:
area ....................... 617
Court terms ................ 612 |