Ramsburg, Mehrl H................ 322
Ramsey, Nathaniel................ 591
Ramsey Norman P................ 155
aandall, Alexander. ........... .589, 599
Randall, Blanchard. ........... .407, 581
Randall, James Ryder. ............ 26
Randall, John Wirt. .............. 584
Randall, Vernon H................ 137
Rannels, Morria W................ S17
Ransom, Wayne W................ 47
Raphael, Henri J.................. 328
Rapoport, Albert A................ 370
Rash, Dennis T.. ................. 159
Rash, George O................... 344
Rash, Joseph H................... 81
Rasin, A. Parks, Jr................ 410
Rasin, George D., Jr.
181, 183, 186, 193, 367
Rasmusaen, Walter................ 308
Ratchford, William S.. ............ 56
Ranth, Philip A................... 344
Raver, Robert D.................. 334
Rawllligs, Garrett D............... 76
Rawlings, Moses ................. 591
Ray, Chester J................... 195n
Ray, J. Enos, Jr.................. 586
Rayne, Vaughn E............ ..... 347
Rayner, Isidor ....... 589, 594, 594n, 601
Rayner, Jack..................... 347
Reamer, Trying S..,......,,....,.. 350
Reckord, Milton A........... 87, 159, 583
Redden, Ray P.. .................. 348
Reddish, Albert.................. 346
Redman, Theodore ................ 330
Redmond, Walter 1................ 69
Reed, Lester B.. . .152, 181, 187, 207, 368
Reed, Philip ....... .579, 592, 599, 599n
Reed, Ralph M. .........,.,,.,,,,. 613
Reeder, Amos E................... 345
Reeder, H. W..................... 97
Reeley, William Bryan............ 327
Rees, Dorthea L. .................. 319
Reese, J. Morris ................76,310
Reese, Melvin L.. ................ 331
Reeyes, John R............365, 381,581
Roger, Loyal C................... 314
Reiblich, G. Kenneth.........84,85,153
Reichelt, Herbert W............... 334
Reid, William J................... 407
Reidt, Wallace .............. 77, 81, 86
Reidy, Joseph J.................. 69, 72
Reifsnider, D. L.................. 316
Reilly, Robert D.................. 310
Reinke, Theodore R............... 320
Reisner, William H., Jr............ 81
Remsberg, Charles H.............. 100
Rernsberg, E. Earl. ............... 323
Rernsberg, Rachel ................ 321
Remsbnrg, A. Doty. ............... 132 |
Remsburg, Marybelle H............ 316
Renn, A. Irvin................... 322
Renn, Austin P................... 323
Rennie, James 6.. .40, 44, 49, 51, 149, 153
Renghaw, Leonard A............... 337
Renghaw. Mrs. Robert H„ III.,..., 63
Resnick, Alan M........... 187, 207, 368
Rheb, Edward A.................. 47
Rhoads, Catherine M.......,....,., 334
Rhoads, Louise S.................. 322
Rhoderick, George C., Jr.. .......51, 159
Rhodes, Harry C.................. 337
Rhodes, Ross..................... 616
Rhynhart, Allan W................ 349
Ricaud, James B.................. 600
Rice, Nicholas E.................. 350
Rich, Albert J.................... 340
Rich, John B..................... 68
Richards, Olive Jane. ............. 217
Richardson, Denver ............... 616
Richardson, Denver R.............. 346
Richardson, Donald ............... 321
Richardson, E. Miller. ........ .316, 408
Richardson, Frederick J............ 615
Richardson, George B........... 580, 589
Richardson, H. M................. 162
Richardson, Harold L.............. 320
Richardson, Joseph ............... 591
Richardson, Leland B.............. 347
Richardson, Lloyd N............... 64
Richardson, William. ...... .576, 581, 591
Richings, Edward Peyton.......... 65
Richmond, Christopher ............ 578
Rickert, Lorne C.................. 346
Ricks, Eugene G.. ................ 45
Ridder, Robert................... 324
Riddick, Albert F................. 306
Ridgely, Charles ...............575,591
.Ridgely, Charles, of Hampton....... 576
Ridgely, Charles Sterret. .......... 585
Ridgely, Charles, of William. ....... 591
Ridgely, Henry ................578,579
Ridgely, Richard.................. 591
Ridout, Orlando, IV. . . .162, 187, 207, 369
Ridout, Samuel................... 579
Rieck, Harry H............ 109, 158, 314
Rieckert, Peter................... 91
Richl, William K.. ................ 370
Riggin, E. Layton. .,,,,,..,.,...., 340
Riggs, Clinton L.................. 583
Riggs of J., Lawrason. ............ 76
Riggs, Mrs. William ............... 337
Riley, Edwin G................... 314
Riley, Robert H................... 67
Riley, T, Harry. ................. 98
Rimpo, Maurice B................. 160
Rinaudot, Alfred M................ 1^7
Rinehart, Archie.................. 410
Rinehart, D. Eldred. ...........154 407 |