1797—George Baer, Jr., William Craik, John Dennis, George Dent,
William Hindman, William Matthews, Samuel Smith,
Richard Sprigg, Jr.
1799__George Baer, Gabriel Christie, William Craik, George Dent,
John Dennis, Joseph Hopper Nicholson, Samuel Smith, John
G. Thomas.
1801 - John Archer, John Campbell, John Dennis, Daniel Hiester,
Joseph Hopper Nicholson, Thomas Plater, Samuel Smith,
Richard Sprigg, Jr.," Walter Bowie."
1803—John Archer, Walter Bowie, John Campbell, John Dennis,
Nicholas R. Moore, William McCreery, Daniel Hiester,"
Roger Nelson," Joseph Hopper Nicholson, Thomas Plater.
1805—John Archer, John Campbell, Leonard Covington, Joseph Hopper
Nicholson," Edward Lloyd," Patrick Magruder, William
MeCreery, Nicholas R. Moore, Roger Nelson, Charles
1807—John Campbell, Charles Goldsborough, Philip Barton Key,"
Edward Lloyd, William McCreery," John Montgomery,
Nicholas R. Moore, Roger Nelson, Archibald Van Home.
1809—John Brown," Robert Wright," John Campbell, Charles Golds-
borough, Philip Barton Key, Alexander McKim, John Mont-
gomery, Nicholas R. Moore, Roger Nelson," Samuel Ringgold,(24)
Archibald Van Home.
1811—Charles Goldsborough, Joseph Kent, Philip Barton Key, Peter
Little, Alexander McKim, John Montgomery," Stevenson
Archer," Samuel Ringgold, Philip Stuart, Robert Wright."
1813—Stevenson Archer, Charles Goldsborough, Alexander C. Hanson,
Joseph Kent, Alexander McKim, Nicholas E. Moore, Sam-
uel Ringgold, Philip Stuart, Robert Wright.
1816—Stevenson Archer, George Baer, Charles Goldsborough, John
C. Herbert, William Pinkney," peter Little," Alexander C.
Hanson," George Peter (31) Nicholas R. Moore," Samuel
Smith,(33) Philip Stuart, Robert Wright.
" Resigned February II, 1802.
"Elected to fill vacancy caused. Toy resignation of Richard Sprigg, Jr., and took
his seat March 24, 1802.
"Died March 7, 1804.
" Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Daniel Hiester, and took his seat
.November 6, 1804.
"Resigned March 1, 1800.
" Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Joseph H, Nicholson, and took
his seat December 3, 1806.
19 Election was questioned upon the grounds that he was not a resident of the
district from which elected and that he was a British pensioner; a resolution de-
claring him entitled to his seat was passed by a vote of 57 to 52, March 18, 1808.
20 Election unsuccessfully contested by Joshua Barney.
21 Resigned in 1810, before the commencement of the Twelfth Congress, to which
lie had been elected.
22 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Brown, and took his seat
December 3, 1810.
23 Resigned May 14, 1810.
24 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Roger Nelson, and took his
seat December 7, 1810.
25 Resigned April 29, 1811, before Congress assembled.
26 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Montgomery, and took
his seat November 4, 1811.
" Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Representative-elect John
Brown, in preceding Congress.
28 Resigned April 18, 1816, having been appointed minister to Russia.
2» Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of William Pinkney, and took his
heat December 2, 1816.
""Resigned in 1816.
" Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Alexander C. Hanson, and took
his seat December 2, 1816.
"Resigned In 1815, before Congress assembled.
" Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Nicholas R. Moore, and took
his seat February 4, 1816.