George M. Upshur Worcester County 1888
John Hubner Baltimore County 1890
Murray Vandiver Harford County 1892
James H. Preston Baltimore City 1894
Sydney E. Mudd. - Charles County 1896
Louis Schaefer Baltimore City 1898
Lloyd Wilkinson - Worcester County 1900
Noble L Mitchell Harford County 1902
Dr George Y. Everhart Baltimore County 1904
Carville D Benson Baltimore County 1906
J Enos Ray, Jr Prince George's County 1908
Adam Peoples Cecil County 1910
James McC. Trippe Baltimore City 1912
Philip D. Laird Montgomery County 1916
David G. Mcintosh Baltimore County 1917
Herbert R. Wooden Carroll County 1918
Millard E. Tydings Harford County 1920
John L. G. Lee Harford County 1922
Francis P. Curtis Baltimore City 1924
E Brooke Lee Montgomery County 1927
Francis A Michel Baltimore City 1931
T. Barton Harrington Baltimore City 1933
Emanuel Gorfine - Baltimore City 1935
Thomas E Conlon Baltimore City 1939
John S. White - - Prince George's County 1944
C Ferdinand Sybert Howard County 1947
John C. Luber - - Baltimore City 1951
Perry 0. Wilkinson Prince George's County 1959
Benjamin Rumsey, Baltimore County 1778-1806
Benjamin Mackall, IV, Calvert County 1778-1806
Thomas Jones, Baltimore County 1778-1806
Solomon Wight, Queen Anne's County 1778-1792
James Murray, Dorchester County 1778-1784
Richard Potts, Frederick County 1801-1806
Littleton Dennis, Somerset County 1801-1806
Jeremiah Townley Chase, Anne Arundel County 1806-1824
James Tilghman, Queen Anne's County 1806-1809
William Polk, Somerset County 1806-1812
Richard Sprigg, Prince George's County 1806
Joseph Hopper Nicholson, Baltimore County 1806-1817
John Mackall Gantt, Prince George's County 1806-1811
John Buchanan, Washington County 1806-1844
Richard Tilghman Earle, Queen Anne's County 1809-1834
John Johnson, Prince George's County 1811-1821
John Done, Worcester County 1812-1814
William Bond Martin, Dorchester County 1814-1836
Walter Dorsey, Baltimore County 1817-1823
John Stephen, Prince George's County 1822-1844
Stevenson Archer, Harford County 1823-1848
Thomas Beale Dorsey, Anne Arundel County 1824-1861
Ezekiel Forman Chambers, Kent County 1834-1851
Ara Spence, Worcester County 1835-1861
i Includes all Judges A separate list of chief Judges will be found immediately