John Kilty - - 1810
John Gassaway 1811
Richard Harwood of Thomas 1817
John N. Watkins - 1835
John Wilmot 1856
Nicholas Brewer of John 1858
John S. Berry 1864
George H. Bier 1869
Charles H. McBlair 1871
Frank A. Bond 1874
J. Wesley Watkins 1880
James Howard 1884
Henry Kyd Douglas - 1892
L. Allison Wilmer 1896
John S. Saunders 1900
Clinton L. Riggs 1904
Henry M. Warfield 1908
Charles F. Macklin 1912
Henry M. Warfield 1&16
Milton A. Reckord (1) 1920
Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer Charles County - 1777
George Plater - St. Mary's County 1781
Matthew Tilghman Talbot County - 1782
Charles Carroll of Carrollton Anne Arundel County - 1783
Daniel Carroll Prince George's County 1783
Charles Carroll of Carrollton Anne Arundel County 1783
George Plater St. Mary's County - 1784
John Smith Baltimore County -1785
George Plater _ St. Mary's County 1785
Daniel Carroll Prince George's County 1786
George Plater St. Mary's County , 1786
Daniel Carroll - - Prince George's County -1787
George Plater . „ St. Mary's County - 1787
Daniel Carroll - Prince George's County 1788
John Smith' - Baltimore County - 1788
George Plater St. Mary's County 1788
Daniel Carroll Prince George's County -1789
George Plater St. Mary's County 1790
William Smallwood , Charles County - 1791
George Dent Charles County 1792
William Perry Talbot County 1792
John Thomas St. Mary's County - 1797
William Perry Talbot County , - 1797
John Thomas . - St. Mary's County 1799
Richard Harwood Anne Arundel County 1801
William Thomas - St. Mary's County , 1806
Stephen Lowrey Queen Anne's County 1807
William Thomas St. Mary's County .1807
Stephen Lowrey Queen Anne's County 1809
William Thomas St. Mary's County 1809
Elijah Davis Harford County , 1813
William Spencer . Kent County - 1816
William R. Stuart Anne Arundel County 1821
Edward Lloyd Talbot County 1826
(1) During General Reckord's absence May 1941-November 1945 the Acting
Adjutant General was General Francis Petrott