State Accident Fund
3. Howard Holzer, Spec. Asst. Attorney General
Assistants to Special Assistant Attorney:
U. Theodore Hayes
John H. Mitchell
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Vernon 7-9000
Department of Motor Vehicles
Eli Baer, Spec. Asst. Attorney General
Guilford Avenue at 21st Street, Baltimore 18
Telephone: Mulberry B-5400
Department of Employment Security
Bernard S. Melnicove, Spec. Asst. Attorney General
1100 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Saratoga 7-5900
Department of Tidewater Fisheries
Edward S. Digges, Spec. Asst. Attorney General
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 8-3371
The Attorney General is elected by the people for a term of four
years (Const. 1867, Art. 5, sec. 1). He is the Director of the De-
partment of Law, which was established in 1916. The Attorney
General serves as legal counsel to the Governor, the General As-
sembly, and to all departments, boards, or commissions of the State,
excepting the Public Service Commission, whose counsel is appointed
by the Governor. The Attorney General or his assistants represent
the State in all litigation, including criminal appeals, before the
Court of Appeals. The Law Department acts as counsel to all Balti-
more City officials appointed by the Governor, and to the Clerks of
Courts, the Registers of Wills, the Sheriffs, State's Attorneys, and
the Trial Magistrates of the several counties and of the City of
Baltimore, as well as to certain other county officials. The Depart-
ment does not represent the Boards of County Commissioners, the
Boards of Education, the Boards of Supervisors of Elections, or such
other boards or officials of the counties which have the power to
employ and. appoint their own. counsel. The Attorney General may
render an opinion on any legal subject or matter upon the request
of the Governor, of the General Assembly, or either House thereof,
or of any department or agency of the State (Code 1957, Art. 32A).
The administrative rules and regulations promulgated by any State
officer or agency must be submitted to the Attorney General for review
before they may become effective (Code 1967, Art. 41, sec. 9). The
Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Subversive
Activities Act (Code 1967, Art. 85A, sees. 1-19).
Appropriations 1959 1960
General Funds .................................... $146,092 $155,841
Staff: 27 (of which 13 are paid from this appropriation).
Carl N. Everstine, Director
City Hall, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Plaza 2-2000
The Department of Legislative Reference was originally created
in 1906 to serve the City of Baltimore; in 1916 the scope of the