with the U. S. Maritime Service, 1942-45. Member, Northwest Civic
Association. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1955.
Chairman, Motor Vehicles Committee since 1957.
CHARLES H. SMELSER, Democrat, Frederick County; born in
Uniontown, Carroll County, July 4, 1920. Attended Carroll County
public schools; University of Maryland, B.S., 1942. Dairy farmer.
Served with the U. S. Air Force, 1943-45. Member, Lions. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1966.
ALEXANDER STARK, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born in Baltimore,
January 19, 1917. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of
Baltimore, LL.B., 1934. Member 'of the Maryland Bar. Served with the
U.S. Navy, 1942-46. Assistant City Solicitor, 1949-52. Assistant State's
Attorney, 1952-54. Member, Governor's Commission on Adoption Law
Revision, 1964. Member, Maryland and Baltimore Bar Associations.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
ROY NEVILLE STATEN, Democrat, Baltimore County; born at
Sandidges, Virginia, June 20, 1913. Attended public and private schools
in Virginia; Virginia Commercial College. Accountant, Division Chief,
Bethlehem Shipbuilding. Served three years in U. S. Army. Member,
Lions, Moose. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1953.i
JOSEPH D. TYDINGS, Democrat, Harford County; born in Ashe-
ville, North Carolina, May 4, 1928. Attended Aberdeen, Harford
County, public schools; McDonogh School; University of Maryland,
B.A., 1951; University of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1953. Member
of the Maryland Bar. Served with the U. S. Army, 1946-48. Member,
Junior Association of Commerce; Junior Bar Association; Maryland
Bar Association; Moose; V.F.W. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1955.
HERBERT H. TYLER, Democrat, Baltimore County; born on
Hooper's Island, Dorchester County, September 21, 1912. Attended Dor-
chester County public schools; graduate of Wesley College, Dover, Dela-
ware. Businessman. Member 15th District, Democratic Club. President,
4th Councilmanic District Democratic Club. Member, Manor Democratic
Club; Rodgers Forge Democratic Club. Past president, Triangle
Democratic Club. 'Member, Loch Ridge Merchants Association; Opti-
mists; Holy Name Society; Loch Raven Rod and Gun Club. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
JOSEPH A. URBAN, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born in Baltimore,
June 26, 1918. Attended Baltimore parochial and public schools; Balti-
more City College. Journalist, transportation specialist. Member,
Second District Democratic Organization; First Bohemian Democratic
Club; Young Men's Bohemian Democratic Club of the 7th Ward;
Czechoslovak-American Civic Association; Knights of Columbus;
Augustine Herman Historical Society. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1956.
GABY L. UTTERBACK, Democrat, Frederick County; born in
Burkittsville, September 26, 1889. Attended Frederick County public
schools. Member, Elks; Knights of Pythias; Masons; Moose; Frederick
County Fish and Game Club; Thurmont Game and Conservation Club.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates 1943-47, and since 1956.
C. CLIFTON VIRTS, Democrat, Frederick County; born in Leesburg,
Virginia, March 3, 1910. Attended Leesburg public schools; Virginia
' Appointed to the House of Delegates, December 3, 1953, vice Carrol] W.
Royston, resigned.