Leonardtown; Charlotte Hall Military Academy; Virginia Military
Institute; Western Maryland College, B.A., 1948; University of
Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1951. Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1951. Businessman, newspaper publisher, and real estate broker.
Served with the U. S. Army in Korea and Okinawa, 1952-64. State's
Attorney, St. Mary's County, 1954-58. Member, Lions. Married. Mem-
ber of the Senate since 1969.
BERNARD 1. GONDER, Democrat, Garrett County; born in Oak-
land, March 5, 1886. Attended Oakland public schools; Potomac State
College. Insurance broker. Former member, State Commission of
Forests and Parks. Chairman, Garrett County Welfare Board, 1938-
42. Member, Rotary; Moose; Woodmen of the World. Married. Mem-
ber of the Senate, 1943-47, and since 1959.
PHILIP HENRY GOODMAN, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born
November 26, 1915. Attended Baltimore City public schools; Univer-
sity of Baltimore Law School, LL.B., 1934. Member of the Maryland
Bar. Member, athletic staff of Loyola College, 1945-50. Police Magis-
trate, Baltimore City, 1943-48; member, Baltimore City Council, 1951-
56. Member, Beth El Congregation; Nu Beta Epsilon Legal Frater-
nity. Member of the Senate 1955-59. Resigned, May 21, 1959.
EDWARD T. HALL, Republican, Calvert County; born in Calvert
County, August 15, 1917. Attended Calvert County public schools;
Ottmar Mergenthaler School of Printing, Baltimore. Printer, news-
paper editor, and publisher. Chairman, Calvert County Tercentenary
Committee, 1954. Chairman, Board of Trustees, Calvert County Hos-
pital. Member, Volunteer Fire Department; Chamber of Commerce;
Lions. Married. Member of the Senate since 1959.
HARRY R. HUGHES, Democrat, Caroline County; born in Easton,
Talbot County, November 13, 1926. Attended Caroline County public
schools; Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, Pa.; Mt. St. Mary's
College; University of Maryland, B.S„ 1949; George Washington
University School of Law, LL.B., 1952. Member of the Maryland Bar.
Navy V-5 training and Aviation Cadet. Member, American and Mary-
land Bar Associations; Rotary; American Legion. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates, 1955-59. Member of the Senate since 1959.
WILLIAM S. JAMES, Democrat, Harford County; born in Aberdeen,
February 14, 1914. Attended Havre de Grace public schools; Tome
School, Port Deposit, 1928-32; University of Delaware, 1932-34; Uni-
versity of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1937. Admitted to the Mary-
land Bar, 1937. Trial Magistrate, Havre de Grace, 1944-46. Member,
Board of Library Trustees, Harford County, 1945-53. Past president,
Havre de Grace Rotary Club. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates, 1947-55. Member of the Senate since 1955. Chairman,
Committee on Inter-Governmental Cooperation, 1959 Session.
GUY JOHNSON, Democrat, Cecil County; born in Elkton, May 16,
1878. Attended Cecil County public schools; Elkton Academy; ex-
tension courses at The Johns Hopkins University and the University
of Delaware. Principal of the high schools at North East, Chesapeake
City, and Elkton. Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates,
1961-67. Member of the Senate, 1947-51, and since 1957
J. ALVIN JONES, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Baltimore.
Attended Baltimore public schools; University of Pennsylvania, B.S.
in E.E., 1913; La Salle Extension University, 1925. Minority Employ-
" Appointed to the Senate March 28, 1957, vice James Weinroth, deceased.