those who fulfill the requirements. The certificates expire on March 31
of each year and must be renewed annually. The Board administers
examinations to qualified applicants for certification at least once each
year. During the month of June of each year, the Board publishes a
complete roster of certified psychologists in the State.
Appropriations 1959 1960
Special Funds . .. $3,550 $2,550
Staff: 1.
Interstate Cooperation
Honorary Members:
3. Millard Tawes, Governor
George W. Della, President of the Senate
Perry 0. Wilkinson, Speaker of the House of Delegates
Governor's Committee:
Chairman: Lloyd L. Simpkins, Executive Assistant to the
C. Ferdinand Sybert, Attorney General
James G. Rennie, Director, Department of Budget and
Joseph Meyerhoff, Chairman, State Planning Commission
Charles M. Moore, House of Delegates
Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Cooperatwn;
Chairman: William S. James
Joseph A. Bertorelli, Harry R. Hughes, Edward T. Hall,
John Thomas Parran, Jr.
House Committee on Intergovernmental Cooperation:
Chairman: Maurice Cardin
Clarence H. Corkran, Jr., P. Parke Geiger, Jr., John M.
Whitmore, James J. Silk
The Maryland Cooperation Commission consists of three separate
and distinct committees, which collectively act as the Commission; in
addition there are three honorary, ex officio, nonvoting members. The
honorary members are the Governor, the President of the Senate, and
the Speaker of the House of Delegates. The three committees are (1)
The Governor's Committee, which consists of three ex officio members,
the Attorney General, the Director of the Department of Budget and
Procurement, and the Chairman of the Maryland State Planning Com-
mission; and two other administrative officials appointed by the Gov-
ernor; (2) The Senate Committee, and (3) The House Committee, both
of which are regular standing committees of the two branches of the
General Assembly.
It is the function of this Commission to carry forward the partici-
pation of the State as a member of the Council of State Governments.
It encourages and assists the legislative, executive, administrative, and
judicial officials and employees of Maryland to develop and maintain
friendly contact with officials and employees of the other States, of
the Federal government, and of local units of government. It formu-
lates proposals for, and works towards, the adoption of compacts,
uniform or reciprocal statutes and administrative rules; it promotes
the cooperation of government officials with one another; ana in gen-