whose applications for reciprocal certificates are approved, are recom-
mended by the Board to the Governor, who issues certificates to them.
The Governor may for sufficient cause revoke any such certificate,
after notice to the holder and a reasonable opportunity for a hearing
(Code 1957, Art. 75A).
Appropriations 1959 1960
Special Funds $17,490 $17,490
Staff: 2.
President: Edward L. Lilly, 1961
Vice-President: Sylvan S. Lewis, 1961
Treasurer: James L. McCully, 1961
Secretary: Frank H. Newell, 1961
Norman F. Dennis, 1961; George C. Hill, 1961; Charles R.
Law, 1961; Jack H. Levinson, 1961; Luther H. Haight, 1961.
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 8-3371
The General Assembly established the State Board of Funeral
Directors and Embalmers in 1902. The Governor, with the consent of
the Senate appoints the nine members of the Board for two-year terms.
Every person carrying on the business of funeral directing and em-
balming in the State must register with, and procure a license from,
the Board. The Board must renew licenses annually, and it has the
power to suspend or revoke any license. The Board makes regulations
for the enforcement of provisions in the laws regarding funeral
directing and embalming. In general, the laws deal with qualifications
and examinations of applicants for license and registration. Examina-
tions are held annually in Baltimore City (Code 1957, Art. 43, sees.
339-67; Acts 1959, chap. 408).
Appropriations 1959 1960
Special Funds $13,355 $12,016
Staff: 2.
President: S. Earl Webster, 1962
Alexander J. Ogrinz, Jr., 1960; Arthur C. Harbaugh, 1961;
Norman J. Levin, 1963.
F. S. Balassone, Secretary-Treasurer, 1964
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Vernon 7-9000
The General Assembly created the Board of Pharmacy in 1902. The
Governor appoints five members, one annually, from a list of pharma-
cists submitted by the Maryland Pharmaceutical Association. Two
members must be residents of Baltimore City, two, residents of the
counties of the State, and one, resident anywhere within the State.
This Board licenses pharmacists by examination and reciprocity and
issues permits for the operation of retail pharmacies and for the
manufacture of drugs, medicines, toilet articles, dentifrices, and cos-
metics. In cooperation with the State Department of Health, the Board
enforces the pharmacy and drug laws of the State.
The members of the Board of Pharmacy and duly authorized agents
of the Department of Health inspect all pharmacies or other places