President: L. Lynn Emmart, D.D.S., 1963
C. Adam Bock, D.D.S., 1961; Albert W. Morris, D.D.S., 1961;
Howard B. Wood, D.D.S., 1963; Samuel H. Hoover, D.D.S., 1965.
Frank J. Bryce, D.D.S., Secretary, 1965
303 Granville Drive, Silver Spring Telephone: Juniper 9-5877
The General Assembly established this Board in 1884. The Governor
appoints its six members for six-year terms. He appoints two members
biennially from a list of four practicing dentists furnished by the
Maryland State Dental Association. The Dental Practice Act of the
State provides that this Board regulate the practice of dentistry by
testing the qualifications of candidates for licenses in dentistry and in
dental hygiene.
All applicants for licenses to practice dentistry must be at least
twenty-one years of age and graduates of dental colleges duly incor-
porated to grant degrees in Dental Surgery by the laws of one of the
United States or Canada. All applicants for a license to practice dental
hygiene must be graduates of a school for dental hygienists requiring
at least two years of study and approved by the State Board of Dental
Examiners. Examinations, held twice every year, are both written and
practical. Every dentist and every dental hygienist must register
annually (Code 1957, Art. 32).
Appropriations 1959 1960
Special Funds $4,696 $4,960
Staff: None.
Chairman: Benjamin Roll, 1961
John F. Teves, 1961; John G. Buettner, 1961;
George L. Homer, 1961; Thomas E. Pierson, 1961
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Vernon 7-9000
The first board for the examining and licensing of plumbers in
Maryland was established in 1886 with jurisdiction limited to Balti-
more City. The General Assembly established the present Commission
in 1910. Its jurisdiction includes all of the State, excepting Prince
George's and Montgomery counties. The Board is composed of five
members appointed by the Governor for two-year terms. One member
must be from Western Maryland, one from Southern Maryland, one
from the Eastern Shore, and two from Baltimore. The Commission
examines and certifies journeyman and master plumbers. Master
plumbers must have held journeyman certificates for at least two
years prior to applying for a master's certificate. All certificates must
be renewed annually. Appeals from the results of examinations may
be taken to a board of arbiters, composed of one member appointed by
the appellant, one by the Commission, and a third by the other two
members of the arbitration board. All members of the Board must be
certified plumbers within the State (Code 1957, Art. 43, sees. 326-38),
Appropriations 1959 1960
Special Funds „....., .„„.„„. .„ ......... ... $4,767 $4,934
Staff: None.