Appropriations 1959 1960
General Funds $291,765 $280,038
Staff: 41.
Chairman: Charles Rosenbaum, 1963
D. Chester O'Sullivan, 1961; Vacancy, 1965
Jack Cohen, Executive Secretary
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Vernon 7-9000
The State Athletic Commission, established in 1920, consists of three
members appointed by the Governor for six-year terms, one term
expiring every two years. The Commission has supervision over all
boxing and wrestling matches scheduled and held in the State of Mary-
land. It enacts and enforces such rules as are necessary to govern
these bouts. It licenses all corporations, associations or persons spon-
soring such bouts, and all referees, managers, seconds, and partici-
pants. The Commission collects from all sponsors of boxing and
wrestling matches a fee equal to ten per cent of the gross gate receipts
and also ten percent of the sale of radio, television, or motion picture
rights to boxing and wrestling events (Code 1957, Art. 66, sees. 109-26).
Appropriations 1959 1960
Special Funds $19,700 $21,900
Staff: 4.
Chairman: Charles B. Allen, 1961
George H. Langenfelder, 1960; Charles D. Briddell, 1962;
Colonel A. Paul Fonda, 1962; H. Robert Venables, 1962
Rudolph A. Drennan, Director of Aeronautics
James H. Norris, Jr., Counsel
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Vernon 7-9000
The State Aviation Commission, created in 1929, is composed of five
members appointed by the Governor for three-year terms. The Com-
mission assists and encourages the development of aviation in Mary-
land. It registers and licenses airports, air navigators, aeronautical
schools, and instructors in the State. All licenses granted by the
Federal government to pilots living in Maryland and to aircraft oper-
ating within the State must be registered with the Commission. In
cooperation with Federal authorities, the Commission aids in the plan-
ning and development of airports and airport sites in Maryland and
administers Federal funds allocated for that purpose (Code 1957, Art.
1A, sees. 3-6, 14-15, 17-19, 21-23, 25-28, 31-36).
Appropriations 1959 1960
Special Funds $26,000 $27,500
Staff: 3.
Chairman: G. Morton Goldstein, 1961'
Vice-Chairman: Norman C. Mason, 1962
•Not confirmed by the Senate in 1959. To be presented to the 1960
Session as a recess appointment.