Public Planning
State Planning Commission
Chairman: Joseph Meyerhoff, 1963
Ex officio members: William S. James, State Senate; E. Homer
White, Jr., House of Delegates
Appointed members: F. Murray Benson, 1961; James H. Grove,
Jr., 1961; Saul 1. Stern, 1961; Sidney H. Tinley, Jr., 1961;
James C. Anderson, 1963; John McC. Mowbray, 1963
James J. O'Donnell, Director
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: Vernon 7-9000
The State Planning Department was created by Chapter 543 of the
Acts of 1959 as the successor to the Maryland State Planning Com-
mission, established in 1933.
The State Planning Department functions "as the Governor's Staff
Agency in planning matters," and prepares and keeps up-to-date a
program for the development and effective employment of all State
resources, known as the State Development Plan. To this end the
Department studies "the resources of the State and . . . existing and
emerging problems of agriculture, commerce, transportation, popula-
tion, housing, public service, local government" and other matters that
affect the development of Maryland. It also "prepares the State's
capital program in collaboration with the Department of Budget and
Procurement and . . . assists in the preparation of the annual capital
budget." In addition, it acts "as an advisory . . . and coordinating
agency," harmonizing its planning activities with those of State or
local government agencies and providing these agencies with planning
assistance. Finally, it attempts to stimulate "public interest and par-
ticipation in the development of the State." The Director of the State
Planning Department is appointed by the Governor and serves at his
The law provides for a State Planning Commission within the State
Planning Department to advise and assist the Director. The Commis-
sion consists of nine members: Seven are appointed by the Governor
for four-year terms; the other two represent the House of Delegates
and the State Senate and are appointed by the Speaker of the House
and the President of the Senate respectively.
The Commission may establish subcommittees to which it may dele-
gate any of its functions. It is also to (1) "study and report from
time to time upon the effectiveness of planning in the State;" (2)
"evaluate the effectiveness of this Article, and . . . urge its revision
or amendment whenever necessary," (3) "receive and approve, dis-
approve, or resubmit to the Director of State Planning recommenda-
tions concerning the establishment of regional or metropolitan areas;"
(4) "hold public and private hearings and sponsor public forums in
any part of the State."
The State Planning Department is the successor to the former State
Planning Commission and inherits the various reports, studies, and
surveys prepared by the Commission over the years. The Department
will continue the Medical Care Committee, the former Commission's
major subcommittee for the study of medical and health problems,
and will continue to work with the Baltimore Regional Planning
Council, an agency originally sponsored by the former Commission.