Professional Schools
The professional schools of the University of Maryland, compris-
ing the schools of Dentistry, Law, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy,
together with the University Hospital, are located in Baltimore at
Lombard and Greene Streets. The College of Special and Continua-
tion Studies also offers courses here.
Maryland State College—Division of the University of Maryland
John T. Williams, Ed.D., President
Princess Anne Telephone: Princess Anne 780
The Maryland State College, Division of the University of Mary-
land (formerly Princess Anne College), is the Land Grant college of
Maryland for Negroes, It offers courses leading to a bachelor's de-
gree in agriculture, home economics, industrial and mechanic arts,
and the liberal arts and sciences.
State Board of Agriculture
The Board of Regents of the University of Maryland acts as the
State Board of Agriculture. As such, it enforces the laws of the
State relating to agriculture, makes regulations, and administers
the State and Federal funds made available for agricultural pur-
poses (Code 1951, Art. 66C, secs. 46-60).
Extension Service
The Extension Service was established by Federal and State laws
in 1914, and it is supported by Federal, State, and county funds.
It is represented in each county of the State by a County Agricul-
tural Agent and a Home Demonstration Agent. Bringing scientific
and economic agricultural information to rural people, assisting in
promoting better marketing conditions, cooperating with rural
groups and associations, and encouraging marketing of home sup-
plies by rural women are all a part of the work of the Extension
Service. In addition, it works with rural boys and girls through the
4-H Clubs. It also conducts short courses in various fields (Code
1951, Art. 66C, secs. 56, 57).
Agricultural Experiment Station
The Agricultural Experiment Station was established in 1888. It
is an enterprise of the State supported in part by extensive Federal
grants. In the laboratories at College Park where the work centers,
the Experiment Station studies insects and diseases, soil fertility,
and botanical and other problems. Its livestock and dairy barns
with their experimental herds are also at College Park. At a plant
research farm near Beltsville it studies soil fertility, plant breeding,
and general horticultural problems. Its experimental farm near
Upper Marlboro is given over to the problems of tobacco growing
and curing. Near Ellicott City the Station runs a farm devoted to
livestock problems, and at a farm near Salisbury it conducts research
in the problems of broiler producers and vegetable growers (Code
1961, Art. 66C, secs. 58-60).
Maryland State Department of Markets
The State Department of Markets was established in 1924. It
operates as an agent of the State Board of Agriculture under State
laws and the Federal Research and Marketing Act. It functions
in four fields: (1) Extension Education, (2) Marketing Services,