Bureau of Water, Baltimore City 319
Republican Committee 374
Business education 61
Senator 153
Bus lines, regulated 41
taxable basis 264
towns 537
Carver Junior College 655
Cabinet Members 527
Catholics 16, 17-18
Calvert-Claiborne controversy 17
Cecil County
Calvert County
area 641
area S41
county seat 284
county seat 280
Court terms . 535
Court terms 534
Delegates 156
Delegates 155
Democratic Committee 370
Democratic Committee 370
election districts 551
election districts 550
name and origin 532
name and origin 532
officers, appointment of 269-271
officers, appointments of 269-271
officers, listed 284-285
officers, listed 280-281
population 545, 551 554
population 545, 550, 564
Republican Committee 375
Republican Committee 374
Senator 153
Senator 153
taxable basis . 264
taxable basis 264
towns 537
towns 537
Cecil County, Union Hospital of 239, 241, 243
CaVvert County Hospital 238, 240, 242
Cedarville State Forest 86
Cambridge-Maryland Hospital, Inc ,
Census, U S Bureau of 542
238, 240, 242
Census of 1950 . 542-553
Camp Bambridge 23
Centenary Biblical Institute 65
Cancer Control Division, State Depart-
Central Accident Records Bureau 103
ment of Health fig
Central Committees, State 369-377
Cantaloupe Maturity Law 63
Central Licensing Office 118-119
Canvassers, State Board of 29
Central Payroll Bureau 31, 33
Capital improvements 29, 112, 113
Central Services, Office of, Baltimore
Capper-Cramton Act 129
County 279
Cardinal Gibbons Institute, State aid to 236
Certification and Accreditation, Division
Caroline County
of, State Department of Education 56
area 641
Certified Public Accountants, licensed 122
county seat 281
Charitable institutions, supervised 72
Court terms 534
Charles County
Delegates 155
area 541
Democratic Committee 370
county seat 286
election districts 550
Court terms 635
name and origin 532
Delegates 156
officers, appointments of 269-271
Democratic Committee 370
officers, listed 281-282
election districts 551
population 545, 550, 554
name and origin 532
Republican Committee 374
officers, appointments of 269-271
Senator 153
officers, listed 285-287
taxable basis 264
population 545, 551, 554
towns 537
Republican Committee 375
Carrol] County
Senator 153
area 541
taxable basis 264
county seat 282
towns 537
Court terms 585
Charlotte Hall School, State aid to 235
Delegates 155
Charter of Maryland I?, 99, 379-390
Democratic Committee 370
Charter, corporate 36
election districts 551
Cheltenham School for Boys, The 74
name and origin 532
Chesapeake Bay IS, 16. 82
officers, appointments of 269-271
Chesapeake Bay Institute, The Johns
officers, listed 282-284
Hopkins University 90
population 545, 551, 554
Chesapeake Bay Toll Bridge 23, 107