ment of Education, and they provide a guide to the services rendered
by the Department in the planning, construction, staffing, supervision,
and administration of the public schools. In addition, the research
section conducts statistical studies as they are requested by the
State Board of Education or the State Superintendent of Schools.
Division of Certification and Accreditation
The Division of Certification and Accreditation certifies the pro-
fessional and academic staffs in the public and nonpublic schools
of Maryland. It accredits all schools and colleges (both public and
nonpublic) that operate in the State. It provides leadership in
teacher education, licenses and inspects trade and vocational schools
operating within the State, supervises the school lunch program,
and administers high school equivalence examinations (Code 1951,
Art. 77, secs. 20, 95-103).
Division of Library Extension
400 Cathedral Street, Baltimore I
The Division of Library Extension, established within the State
Department of Education by the General Assembly of 1945, exercises
supervision over school libraries and county libraries operating un-
der the State-Aid Act of 1945. The Division provides direct service
of books and periodicals to individuals, groups, or libraries, and
makes available professional advice and assistance to all school
and public libraries. It administers State funds made available
under the Public Libraries Act (Code 1951, Art. 77, secs. 173-195).
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, established by the Gen-
eral Assembly of 1929, administers the Federal Civilian Rehabilita-
tion Act and the funds provided by it within the State of Maryland.
The Division provides vocational rehabilitation and placement serv-
ice to physically handicapped persons. Branch offices are located in
Baltimore, Salisbury, Hyattsville, and Hagerstown (Code 1951, Art.
77, secs. 282-86).
General Special Federal
Fund Fund Fund Total
State Department $ 737,117 $ 34,444 $ 771,561
Vocational Rehabilitation 334,735 412,158 746,893
State Aid to Education 50,427,327 $ 41,040 1,650,665 52,119,032
Teachers Colleges 2,431,533 447,447 2,878,980
State Department $ 822,867 $ 30,868 $ 853,735
Vocational Rehabilitation 372,367 467,213 839,580
State Aid to Education 56,270,707$ 34,480 2,274,713 58,579,900
Teachers Colleges 2,838,885 456,262 3,295,147
These figures do not include the following units: State-aided edu-
cational institutions, Maryland Teachers' Retirement System, and
employment of the physically handicapped.
Staff: 252.