He was the 1953 "Man of the Year," selected and cited by the
Advertising Club of Baltimore, and was awarded that year's cita-
tion of the National Conference of Christians and Jews for his ac-
complishments in the interests of Brotherhood and "an enduring
democracy." He also received the 1954 Annual Award of the Na-
tional Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs; the citation of the Massa-
chusetts Committee of Catholics, Protestants and Jews; the Houston
Jewish Community Council Plaque; and the DeMolay Legion of
Honor Medal.
At the Republican National Convention of 1952 in Chicago, he
delivered the address that placed the name of General Dwight D.
Eisenhower in nomination for President of the United States.
He was Chairman of the Rules Committee for the 1956 Republi-
can National Convention in San Francisco, and was Chairman of
the Nationalities Committee in the Republican Campaign of that
year. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the National
Governors' Conference.
A lifelong Republican, Governor McKeldin's first public position
was that of Secretary to Mayor William F. Broening of Baltimore.
From 1943 to 1947, he was Mayor of Baltimore, and was elected
Governor of Maryland in 1950 by the largest majority ever given
any candidate for that office. He was reelected in 1954—the first
member of his party ever to win a second gubernatorial term.
As Mayor of Baltimore, he was responsible for many governmen-
tal reforms and improvements, including the revision and modern-
ization of the then antiquated City Charter. Important projects
of the improvement of the city's physical plant also were launched
during his administration, including the great Friendship Interna-
tional Airport, the big Patapsco River addition to the water supply
system, the new tuberculosis wing at the City Hospitals, the Civic
Center in the City Hall area which includes the new People's Court,
widespread health center and school construction. He also inaug-
urated the Baltimore Plan of slum clearance, which has attracted
considerable attention throughout the world.
His first term in the Governorship was highlighted by inaugura-
tion of a long-range program for complete modernization and exten-
sion of the Maryland highway system; the authorization and plan-
ning of new State Office Buildings for Baltimore and Annapolis,
now under construction; replacement of the antiquated State budget
methods with the modern program system of appropriations; re-
forms in purchasing, accounting, and control; comprehensive and
systematic salary increases for public school teachers; expansion
of the State system of hospitals; inauguration of advanced methods
of treatment for mental illnesses, tuberculosis, and chronic ailments;
beginning of a group of clinics for alcoholism; adoption of Home
Rule for municipalities; planning and financing for the Baltimore