members appointed by the Comptroller of the Treasury subject to
the approval of the Governor. The Comptroller designates the Chair-
man of the Board. The Board acts on complaints in place of a
county board of license commissioners in Somerset, Wicomico, and
Worcester counties. It hears appeals from the decisions of the licen-
sing authorities in Anne Arundel (except the City of Annapolis) and
Dorchester counties. Its decision in Somerset and Worcester coun-
ties is subject to appeal to the Circuit Court. There is no appeal
from the decision of the Board in Wicomico County. The Board
meets, within the time prescribed by law after the filing of an ap-
peal, request, or complaint, at the County Seat of the county in
which the action originated. The appropriation for the expenses
of the Board is included in the budget of Alcoholic Beverages Divi-
sion, Comptroller of the Treasury (Code 1951, Art. 2B, sec. 168;
1957 supp., Art. 2B, sec. 145).
Appropriations 1957 1958
General Funds $8,160 $7,965
Staff: 4
J. Millard Tawes, Comptroller of the Treasury
Hooper S. Miles, State Treasurer
James G. Rennie, Director, Department of Budget and Procure-
W. Irvin Young, Chief, Bureau of Revenue Estimates
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 8-3371
The Board of Revenue Estimates and the Bureau of Revenue Esti-
mates were created in 1945. The Board is composed of the Comp-
troller of the Treasury, the State Treasurer, and the Director of
Budget and Procurement. It studies the findings and recommenda-
tions of the Bureau and then sends to the Governor, for submission
to the General Assembly, an itemized statement of anticipated rev-
enues for the succeeding fiscal year, together with its recommenda-
tions. The Bureau studies and analyzes all sources of revenue, pre-
pares for the Board the findings for the itemized statement of anti-
cipated revenue, devises equitable and economical means of collec-
tion of such revenue, and devises and recommends new sources of
revenue (Code 1951, Art. 41, sec. 166).
The Chief of the Bureau of Revenue Estimates, in conjunction with
the State Comptroller's office, prepares and submits to the members
of the General Assembly by the end of the months of January and
July in each year an itemized statement showing the following in-
formation for the six-month period ending on the next preceding
December 31 or June 30, as the case may be: (1) estimated revenue
from all sources, by funds, for the current budget period; (2) col-
lections for the next preceding six-month period; and (3) amount
of revenues uncollected or over-collected (Code 1951, Art. 41, sec.
166). The appropriations for the Bureau of Revenue Estimates is
included in the budget of the Comptroller of the Treasury.
Appropriations 1957 1958
General Funds $11,530 $11,911
Staff: 2.