The Governor may grant executive clemency, reprieves, or par-
dons to any person who is a prisoner of the State and may remit
any fine or portion thereof to any person who has paid the fine. He
may extradite prisoners or persons wanted by other States upon
the presentation of a writ of extradition and may issue a warrant
for the arrest of any person so wanted. The Governor may also
ask for the return to this State of any prisoner or person of an-
other State wanted for the violation of the laws of Maryland (II,
Appropriations 1957 1958
General Funds $256,586 $246,496
Staff: 13.
J. Millard Tawes, Comptroller
Hooper S. Miles, Treasurer
C. Ferdinand Sybert, Attorney General
Wendell D. Allen, President, State Board of Education
Wilson H. Elkins, President and Executive Officer, University
of Maryland and State Board of Agriculture
Enos S. Stockbridge, Chairman, Board of Correction
Thomas J. S. Waxter, Director, Department of Public Welfare
Perry F. Prather, M.D„ Director, Department of Health
Robert O. Bonnell, Chairman, State Roads Commission
James Monroe, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles
James Hepbron, Police Commissioner of Baltimore City
John P. Tawes, Chairman, Board of Natural Resources
Russell S. Davis, State Commissioner of Personnel
State House, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 3-2666
The Advisory Council may be called from time to time by the
Governor for the consideration of general State policies, finances,
and departmental and institutional work and conditions. Member-
ship is ex officio (Code 1951, Art. 41, sec. 43).
Chief of Staff: Major General Milton A. Reckord,
The Adjutant General
The Governor is authorized to appoint at his pleasure a military
staff which may consist of the Adjutant General and not more than
twelve aides selected from the Commissioned Officers of the National
Guard and Naval Militia (Code 1951, Art. 65, sec. 9).
Claude B. Hellman, Secretary of State
James P. Brock, Administrative Assistant
State House, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 3-2669
The office of Secretary of State was created in 1837 by a Consti-
tutional Amendment. The Secretary of State is appointed by the
Governor with the consent of the Senate and serves during the Gov-
ernor's term (Const. 1867, Art. II, sec. 22). The Secretary acts
as general secretary to the Governor and attests his signature on
all public documents, commissions, warrants, proclamations, and
such other public papers as may be required. He is the custodian
Secretary of State certifies the results of all referenda and con-
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