Supervisor of Assessments: Appointed by the State Tax Commission
for an indefinite term from a list of five persons submitted by
the Board of County Commissioners.
Board of Supervisors of Elections; Appointed by the Governor, with
the consent of the Senate, for two-year terms.
Permanent Board of Registry; One member appointed by the Board
of Supervisors of Elections and one by the minority member
of the Board of Supervisors of Elections.
Director of Civil Defense: Appointed by the Governor for an indefi-
nite term.
Deputy Medical Examiner: Appointed by the Commission of Post-
mortem Examiners for an indefinite term.
Health Officer: Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners
with the approval of the State Board of Health.
Board of Education: Appointed by the Governor for six year terms,
except in Caroline, St. Mary's, and Harford counties, where the
term is five years, and Montgomery County, where the members
are elected by the voters of the county for four-year terms.
Superintendent of Schools: Appointed by the County Board of Edu-
cation with the approval of the State Superintendent of Schools.
Board of Library Trustees: Appointed by the Governor for stag-
gered seven-year terms, except in Anne Arundel, Montgomery,
Queen Anne's, Talbot, Washington, and Wicomico counties. In
Montgomery County, the Library Board is appointed by the
County Council for six-year overlapping terms; in Anne Arun-
del County the Board itself makes appointments for three-year
overlapping terms.
Librarian: Appointed by the Board of Library Trustees in Anne
Arundel, Baltimore, Cecil, Charles, Garrett, Harford, Howard,
Prince George's, St. Mary's counties. Appointed by the County
Council in Montgomery County.
Welfare Board: Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners,
from lists submitted by the State Board of Public Welfare.
Director of Public Welfare: Appointed by the County Welfare Board.
Surveyor: Elected by the voters of the counties for a four-year term.
Board of Liquor License Commissioners: Appointed by the Governor
with the consent of the Senate for two-year terms in Anne
Arundel, Calvert, Frederick, and Prince George's counties and
Baltimore City; and for six-year terms in Allegany, St. Mary's,
Talbot, and Washington counties. In Baltimore, Charles, and
Queen Anne's counties the Board of County Commissioners ap-
points the boards for one, three, and four years respectively. In
Montgomery County the County Council appoints the Board for
a six-year term. In the counties of Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Dor-
chester, Garrett, Howard, and Kent, the Boards of County Com-
missioners constitute ex officio a Board of Liquor License Com-
missioners. In Harford County, the Liquor Control Board serves
ex officio as license commissioners. In Somerset County, the
State Appeal Board acts as a Board of Liquor License Com-
Liquor Control Board: Appointed by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Senate for a term of two years in Wicomico
County, four years in Dorchester County, and ten years in Wor-
cester County. In Somerset County, the Governor appoints the
Board for a four-year term. In Harford County the Board of