schools; Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, Pennsylvania; Mt. St.
Mary's College; University of Maryland; George Washington Uni-
versity School of Law, LL.B. Member of the Maryland Bar. Navy
V-5 training and Aviation Cadet. Member, Maryland and American
Bar Associations; Rotary; American Legion. Married. Elected to
the House of Delegates in 1954.
JOHN B. HUYETT, Democrat, Washington County; born in Wil-
son, January 14, 1893. Attended Washington County public schools.
Bakery operator. Member, Board of Liquor License Commissioners,
1933-38; Sheriff, Washington County, 1942-46. Married. Elected to
the House of Delegates in 1946.
DOROTHY T. JACKSON, (Mrs. Charles E. Miller), Democrat,
Baltimore County; born in Baltimore, June 25, 1924. Attended Balti-
more County public schools; University of Maryland. Member of the
Maryland Bar. Member, Maryland Bar Association; Women's Bar
Association. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
GEORGE F. S. JEFFREY, Republican, Allegany County; born
in Bailliston, Scotland, February 16, 1884. Attended elementary and
preparatory school at Bailliston. Retired merchant. Member, Lona-
coning, Allegany County, City Council, 1918-20; Republican State
Central Committee since 1954. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates, 1927-29. Appointed to House of Delegates, May 1955. Died
August 1957.
JOHN W. JENKINS, Republican, Charles County; born in Pisgah,
November 24, 1894. Attended Charles County public schools. Former
Deputy Sheriff, Charles County. Member, Businessmen's Association;
Lions; Woodmen of the World; Home Plate Club. Married. Elected
to the House of Delegates in 1950.
W. PAUL JOINER, Democrat, Kent County; born in Kent County,
June 12, 1899. Attended Kent County public schools. Farm equipment
dealer. Register of Wills for Kent County, 1942-45. Married. Elected
to the House of Delegates in 1950.
ESTEL C. KELLEY, Republican, Allegany County; born in West-
ernport, May 4, 1902. Attended Westernport public schools; Univer-
sity of Maryland. Member of the Maryland Bar. Member, Moose;
Eagles; Elks. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
Resigned June 15,1957.
MELVIN R. KENNEY, SR., Republican, Baltimore 3rd; born in
Baltimore, January 15, 1918. Attended Baltimore public schools.
Food broker. Member, Greek-American Republican Club; Northeast
Baltimore Young Men's Republican Club; Citizens Republican Club;
Woodbourne Heights Community Association; Masons; Knights Tem-
plar; Shriners, Boumi Temple; Towson Shrine Club; Tall Cedars
of Lebanon; Optimist Club; Y.M.C.A.; Hillendale Gridiron Club.
Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1954.
IRA BIRD KIRKLAND, Democrat, Anne Arundel County; born
in Marinette, Wisconsin, May 25, 1912. Attended Chicago Latin
School; Evanston Township High School; University of Arizona;
George Washington University Law School, LL.B. 1937, Order of the
Coif. Member of the Maryland and District of Columbia Bars. Served
with the United States Army, 1942-45. Former Chief Counsel, House
of Representatives Committee on Small Business, U. S. Congress,
1942; Legislative and Liaison Attorney, War Assets Administration;