Legion; Catholic War Veterans. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1950.
SOL J. FRIEDMAN, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Baltimore,
March 20, 1919. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of
Baltimore, LL.B. 1945. Member of the Maryland Bar. Former Unit
Chief in Enforcement Section of Office of Price Administration.
Member, American Bar Association; Junior Bar Association of Balti-
more City; the National Association of Claimants' Compensation At-
torneys; Knights of Pythias; Elks; Masons; Shriners; B'nai B'rith.
Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1954.
KERMIT S. GLOTFELTY, Republican, Garrett County; born in
Accident, September 10, 1906. Attended Garrett County public schools.
Farmer. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1954.
GILBERT GUDE, Republican, Montgomery County; born in Wash-
ington, D. C., March 9, 1923. Attended public schools in Rockville,
Montgomery County, and Washington, D. C.; University of Maryland;
Cornell University, A.B. 1948; graduate school, George Washington
University. Landscape nurseryman. Served with U. S. Army, 18th
Medical General Laboratory, 1943-46. Trustee, Montgomery County
Crippled Children Society; vice president, Maryland Nurserymens
Association. Member, Rotary; University Club of Washington; Pi
Kappa Phi; Board of Directors, D. C. Audubon Society. Married.
Appointed to the House of Delegates in 1952.
JOSEPH H. HAHN, JR., Republican, Carroll County; born in
Westminster, July 10, 1918. Attended Westminster public schools;
Peabody Conservatory of Music. Secretary of meat packing company.
Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1942.
JAMES E. HANCE, Democrat, Calvert County; born in Mutual,
August 7, 1900. Attended Calvert County public schools. Farmer.
Former Judge of the Orphans' Court, Calvert County. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
HENRY H. HANNA, JR., Democrat, Wicomico County; born in
Salisbury, February 21, 1921. Attended Salisbury public schools;
Valley Forge Military Academy; University of Virginia. Real estate
and insurance agent, general contractor. Member, City Council of
Salisbury, 1948-50; Elks; American Legion; V.F.W. Married. Elected
to the House of Delegates in 1950.
ROGER B. HARRIS, Democrat, Kent County; born in Worton,
July 16, 1895. Attended Kent County public schools; Beacom Busi-
ness School, Wilmington, Delaware. Farmer. Former member. Board
of the Kent County Home. Married. Elected to the House of Dele-
gates in 1938.
S. FENTON HARRIS, Republican, Frederick County; born in
Frederick County. Attended Frederick County public schools; West-
ern Maryland College; Lincoln-Jefferson University; The Johns Hop-
kins University. School teacher for 36 years, now accountant. Chair-
man, Board of Auditors of Frederick County, 1918-21. Unmarried.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
born in Tilghman, September 13, 1903. Attended Talbot County pub-
lic schools; Sadlers-Bryant-Stratton Business College. Seafood dealer,
hotel and fishing fleet operator. Past president, Chesapeake Bay