PAUL E. BREWER, Republican, Washington County; born in
Clear Spring, November 25, 1892. Attended Washington County pub-
lic schools. Salesman. Member, Fraternal Order of Police; Knights
of Pythias. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1954.
DANIEL B. BREWSTER, Democrat, Baltimore County; born in
Brooklandville, November 23, 1923. Attended Gilman and St. Paul's
schools; Princeton University; the Johns Hopkins University; the
University of Maryland Law School, LL.B. 1949. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1949. Captain, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve; enlisted
1942, served in South Pacific, 1943-45. Married. Elected to the House
of Delegates in 1950.
LOTTIE ROBINSON BRINSFIELD, Democrat, Dorchester Coun-
ty; born in Sharptown, Wicomico County, May 18, 1898. Attended
Wicomico County public schools; Beacom Business College, Salisbury.
Housewife. Member, Board of Directors of the Cambridge-Maryland
Hospital; Eastern Star. Past President, Upper Dorchester County
Garden Club. Widow. Appointed to the House of Delegates, March
EDWARD WALTER BROOKS. Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in
Baltimore, September 25, 1895. Attended Baltimore public schools.
Haberdasher. Member, Gardenville Improvement Association; Moose;
Junior Order; Kiwanis. Former president, Maryland State Baseball
Association; Maryland Amateur Baseball Association. President,
Inter-State Baseball Association. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1954.
WILLIAM HOWARD BROWN, Democrat, Howard County; born
in Woodstock, April 29, 1907. Attended Howard County public schools.
Farmer. Former member, Howard County Board of Zoning Appeals;
Chairman, Howard County Farmers Home Administration Commit-
tee. Member, Odd Fellows. Married. Elected to the House of Dele-
gates in 1954.
WARREN BROWNING, Democrat, Montgomery County; born in
Washington, D. C., June 29, 1915. Attended public schools of Mary-
land and the District of Columbia; University of Maryland; Univer-
sity of Edinburgh (Scotland) ; Georgetown University School of Law,
LL.B. 1939. Member of the Maryland and District of Columbia Bars.
Private in Infantry, Captain in Judge Advocate General's Depart-
ment, World War II, Former Assistant Corporation Counsel for the
District of Columbia; former Trial Magistrate, Montgomery County;
former Commissioner, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission.
Chairman, Democratic State Central Committee for Montgomery
County, 1950-54. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1954.
J. RAYMOND BUFFINGTON, JR., Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born
in Baltimore, May 23, 1911. Attended Baltimore City College; Wil-
liam and Mary College; American University, A.B. 1933. Wholesale
food broker. President, Baltimore Butter and Egg Exchange; mem-
ber, Board of Directors, Old Town Merchants and Manufacturers
Association. Member, Masons; Shriners. Married. Elected to the
House of Delegates in 1942.
WILLIAM F. BURKLEY, Democrat, Cecil County; born in Elkton,
January 31, 1930. Attended Cecil County public schools; University
of Richmond; Goldey Business College, Wilmington, Delaware; Uni-
versity of Maryland Law School. Insurance and real estate broker.