utilization to determine areas suitable for field crops, reforestation,
watershed protection, recreation, summer residence, and urban ex-
pansion in order to prepare a long-term development program of
major State improvements; facilitates urban planning in cities and
other municipalities; and generally makes available information on
subjects affecting the health and welfare of the people of Maryland
(Code 1951, Art. 88C, secs. 1-18).
To carry out these functions the Commission is currently: (1) sur-
veying the capital improvements needs of the various State agencies
and the financial problems pertaining thereto; (2) collecting data
about economic and social trends within the State; (3) advising local
and regional planning and zoning agencies; (4) cooperating with out.
of .state firms seeking new locations, and maintaining for this purpose
a current inventory of vacant industrial plants in Maryland; (5) as-
sisting municipal and county groups in preparing evaluations of
their communities to further their economic growth; (6) and review.
ing the State's medical care needs and responsibilities.
Recent publications of the Commission include: "Medical Facilities,
Survey and Plan," April, 1956; "Capital Improvements Authorized by
General Assembly, Ten Year Period, 1947 Through 1956," May, 1956;
"Lonaconing—An Economic Survey," October, 1956; "Self-Liquidat-
ing Capital Improvement Projects," August, 1956; "Employee Hous-
ing Policy of the Maryland State Planning Commission," February,
1957; "Economic County Data Book," revised in June, 1967. With the
cooperation of the county planning commissions, the Commission
began a monthly tabulation of new dwelling units authorized in the
census tracts of the Baltimore area and issued a summary for the
year 1956, in addition to the annual tabulations of "Building Permits
Authorized" in the counties and cities of Maryland. The Commission
makes an annual survey of planning and zoning agencies, and it com-
piles new directories of the local agencies each year, along with a
summary of the planning programs, budgets, and staffs of these
agencies. A subcommittee of the Committee on Medical Care is
currently studying services and facilities for handicapped children in
Maryland. In addition, the Baltimore Regional Planning Council, an
agency sponsored by the Commission, is undertaking a two-year
program of studies in order to prepare a comprehensive plan for the
Baltimore region. For this project, the Federal Urban Renewal
Administration has granted an award of $100,000 to match the ap-
propriations made by the Commission and local participating juris-
Appropriations 1967 1958
General Funds ...................$ 90,018 $117,143
Staff: 16
James J. O'Donnell, Director, 1959
Garrett O. Billmire, Assistant Director
Laurence P. Sangston, Principal Architect
Frank L. Byron, Principal Engineer
Katherine M. McQuade, Executive Secretary
606 Park Avenue, Baltimore I Telephone: Plaza 2-2630
The Department of Public Improvements was created by the Legis-
lature in 1947. The Director of Public Improvements, the designated
head of the Department, is appointed by the Governor for a four-
year term.