The Commission
Chairman: R. Brooke Maxwell, 1957
H. Lee Hoffman, 1959; J. Miles Lankford, Maryland Farm
Bureau, 1955; J. Wilson Lord, Maryland State Grange, 1956;
Paul D. Naylor, 1958.
Joseph F. Kaylor, Director
H. C. Buckingham, State Forester
William R. Hall, Superintendent of State Parks
Karl E. Pfeiffer, Assistant Director
Adna R. Bond, Assistant Forester
Carl Stravinski, Park Technician
David O. Prince, Supervisor, Roadside Trees
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 3-2329
District I—Cumberland
(Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, Washington Counties)
William H. Johnson, District Forester
Harry M. Hartman, Jr., Ass't. District Forester
W. A. Clinton lrwin, Ass't. District Forester
Jack E. Paulhamus, Ass't. District Forester
R. Thomas Thayer, Jr., Ass't. District Forester
Brook Bodkin, Supervisor Fire Control
Herman Toms, Supervisor Fire Control
Elmer H. Upole, Supervisor Fire Control
Ralph T. Witt, Supt. Green Ridge Forest
Cecil Ramsey, Supt. Potomac Forest
Vacancy: Supt. Savage River Forest
Marc Sagan, Park Guard, Cunningham Falls Park
Curtis Conway, Supt. Fort Frederick Park
Donald H. Boyer, Supt. Washington Monument Park
Marshall Moats, Park Guard, Gambrill Park
Raymond Wiles, Park Guard, Gathland Park
District 2—Laurel
(Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Howard, Montgomery, Prince
George's, St. Mary's Counties)
A. J. Pickall, District Forester
Clifton Dennis, Ass't. District Forester
Charles A. Keeley, Ass't. District Forester
Henry W. Schlosser, Supervisor Fire Control
E. W. Brickerd, Supervisor Fire Control
Percy Miller, Supt. Cedarville Forest
Robert I. Palmer, Supt. Patapsco State Park
Joseph H. Henderson, Jr., Supt. Sandy Point State Park
District 3—Salisbury
(Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, Worcester
John J. Mohr, District Forester
Randall L. Miller, Ass't. District Forester
Gaylord Robertson, Ass't. District Forester