out of income from premiums paid and interest on fund investment.
The State treasury is reimbursed for all expenditures.
Appropriations 1955 1956
General Fund ............................ $161,718 $189,780
Staff: 25.
Chairman: Robert B. Kimble, 1961
Charles H. Borcherding, Sr., 1959 Charles D. Harris, 1957
Advisory Council:
Representing the Public: Lee L. Dopkm, Chairman of the Council,
1956; William I. Gosnell, 1959
Representing the Employer: Joseph P. Healy, 1958; James E.
Hooper, 1961
Representing the Employee: Ralph C. Beard, 1957; Leroy M.
Griffin, 1961
Stephen C. Cromwell, Director, Unemployment Compensation Di-
David L. B. Fringer, Director, Employment Service Division
Grafton Lee Brown, Veterans Employment Representative for
6 N. Liberty Street, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Mulberry 5-5400
Employment Security Board
The Department of Employment Security was established in 1937
(1951 Code, Art. 95A). A three-member Board, the Employment
Security Board, is vested with the authority to administer the em-
ployment security program in Maryland, having the power to adopt
general and special rules and regulations and to sit in a quasi-judicial
capacity on appeals involving claims for benefits and appeals arising
under the taxing provisions of the Unemployment Compensation Law.
Advisory Council
The Governor is empowered to appoint a State advisory council, and
the Board is authorized to appoint local advisory councils consisting
of an equal number of representatives from the public, the employer
and the employee for respective terms of from one year to a number
of years equal to the number of persons so to be appointed. The
councils are to aid the Board in formulating policies and discussing
problems related to administration of the law to insure impartiality
in the solution of such problems.
Unemployment Compensation Division
This division of the Department in accordance with the policy set
by the Board administers the payment of Unemployment Compensa-
tion benefits and the collection of the contributions therefor. Contri-
butions are collected from employers covered under the Unemploy-
ment Compensation Law and weekly benefits are made to eligible
individuals, that is, those who have accumulated certain wage credits
and have become unemployed through no fault of their own. The law
provides for a system of experience rating whereby employers who
maintain steady employment are eligible for reductions in the rate of