is administered by the Administrator of Loan Laws (Code 1951, Art.
11, secs. 163-206).
Appropriations 1955 1956
General Fund ............................ $207,206 $207,436
Staff: 34.
J. Millard Tawes, Comptroller of the Treasury
Charles W. Hoff, Baltimore Clearing House, 1961
L. Alan Dill, Associated Mutual Savings Banks of Baltimore,
F. Ross Myers, Maryland State Bankers' Association, 1959
The Banking Board, established in 1935, is composed of the Comp-
troller of the Treasury, and three members appointed by the Gov-
ernor, from lists of nominees submitted by (1) the Baltimore Clear-
ing House, (2) the Associated Mutual Savings Banks of Baltimore,
and (3) the Maryland State Bankers' Association. Each member
holds office for six years with one term expiring every two years.
The Board meets at the call of the Bank Commissioner to confer and
to consult with him in matters pertaining to the banking business or
banking institutions in Maryland (Code 1961, Art. II, sec. 27).
Charles S. Jackson, Insurance Commissioner, 1959
John H. Coppage, Deputy Commissioner
Denton S. Lowe, Chief Examiner
Maurice H. LeVita, Examiner
Howard E. Gates, Chief, Rating Bureau
Joseph F. Mannion, Auditor-Examiner
John J. Meyers, Chief Fire Investigator
Edward Dackson, Insurance Examiner I
Mollie E. Bald, Assessment Supervisor
Charles Voelker, Insurance Advisor
34 Hopkins Place, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Lexington 9-0855
The State Insurance Department was first created in 1872 as a
part of the office of the Comptroller of the Treasury. In 1878 the
Department became an independent agency. The State Insurance
Department is under the direction of the Insurance Commissioner,
who is appointed by the Governor for a term of four years (Code
1951, Art. 48A, secs. 2, 3).
It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to see that all the laws
of the State governing insurance companies or relating to the busi-
ness of insurance are faithfully executed.
The Commissioner authorizes and licenses insurance companies
agents, solicitors, brokers and brokers' solicitors to do business in the
State. All applicants for licenses as agents and solicitors for fire
and casualty lines are examined by the Department, which also con-
ducts periodic examinations of all companies organized under the
laws of Maryland, and from time to time participates in the exami-
nation of non-resident companies doing business in the State. The