[Art. 4, Sec. 20] MARYLAND MANUAL 375
Circuit, the Counties of Caroline, Talbot, Queen Anne's,
Kent and Cecil, the Second; the Counties of Baltimore and
Harford, the Third; the Counties of Allegany and Washing-
ton(1), the Fourth; the Counties of Carroll, Howard and Anne
Arundel, the Fifth; the Counties of Montgomery and Fred-
erick, the Sixth; the Counties of Prince George's, Charles,
Calvert and St. Mary's, the Seventh; and Baltimore City,
the Eighth.
SEC. 20. A Court shall be held in each County of the
State, to be styled the Circuit Court for the County in which
it may be held. The said Circuit Courts shall have and
exercise, in the respective counties, all the power, authori-
ty and jurisdiction, original and appellate, which the pres-
ent Circuit Courts of this State now have and exercise, or
which may hereafter be prescribed by Law.
SEC. 21. From and after January 1, 1956, there shall
be in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh circuits at
least one judge for each county, who shall be a resident of
the county in which he shall hold office, and who shall be
elected by the voters thereof, to be styled judges of the
Circuit Court, to be elected or appointed as herein provided.
The number of judges for any of the circuits or for any of
the counties may be increased or decreased by the General
Assembly from time to time, and any vacancy so created
shall be filled as provided in Section 5 of this Article except
that in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh judicial
circuits there shall never be less than one judge for each
county and(2) all of the circuits there shall never be less than
three for each circuit. The senior judge in length of service
shall be the chief judge of the circuit; the other judge or
judges shall be associate judges. In the first and second
judicial circuits no two of said judges of the Circuit Court
shall at the time of their election or appointment, or during
the term for which they may have been elected or appointed,
reside in any one county. In the first and second judicial
circuits, in case any candidate or candidates for judge at
any election shall receive sufficient votes to cause such can-
didate or candidates to be declared elected, but the election
of such candidate or candidates would cause more Judges
than herein permitted to reside in any county of the circuit,
then and in that event there shall be declared elected only
that candidate or those candidates residing in said county,
in the order of the votes received, whose election would
provide the permitted number of judges from said county,
(1) Garrett County has been formed since the adoption of this Constitution, from
Allegany County.
(2) The word "in" probably omitted.