aids the Director in preparing a tentative budget for the Governor's
consideration and reviews all budget amendments presented by the
various State agencies. The Bureau may investigate the necessity for
all expenditures (Code 1951, 1955 supp.. Art. 15A, secs. 15-23).
Purchasing Bureau
The head of the Purchasing Bureau is also appointed by the
Director. This Bureau is charged with the purchase of all supplies,
material and equipment for the use of State agencies. A warehouse
is maintained for the storage of supplies paid for out of the Revolv-
ing Fund of $300,000. Supplies stocked by the Warehouse are pur-
chased from it by State agencies who are invoiced and make pay-
ment to the Revolving Fund in the same manner as to other vendors.
(Code 1951, 1955 supp., Art. 15A, secs. 24-29).
As of March 1, 1949, the Department assumed the responsibility of
distribution of donable foods from the Production and Marketing
Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture, to public and pri-
vate eleemosynary institutions and agencies in the State of Maryland.
There are 142 such institutions and agencies serving 28,000 persons.
Appropriations 1955 1956
General Fund ............................ $322,000 $319,485
Staff: 56.
G. Ferdinand Sybert, Attorney General, 1958
Norman P. Ramsey, Deputy Attorney General
Assistant Attorneys General:
David Kauffman
Stedman Prescott, Jr.
Alexander Harvey, II
Special Assistant Attorneys General;
Frank T. Gray, for Comptroller of the Treasury
Joseph D. Buscher, for State Roads Commission
Bernard S. Melnicove, for Department of Employment Security
Walter W. Claggett, for Enforcement of Anti-Subversive Act
Special Attorneys:
Philip T. McCusker, for State Accident Fund
U. Theodore Hayes, for State Accident Fund
Frederick A. Puderbaugh, for State Roads Commission
J. Howard Holzer, for State Roads Commission
Robert S. Rothenhoefer, for State Roads Commission
Earl I. Rosenthal, for State Roads Commission
T. Thornton Murray, for State Roads Commission
Edward S. Digges, for Commission of Tidewater Fisheries
Special Assistant to the Attorney General:
James H. Norris, Jr.
1201 Mathieson Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Lexington 9-6413
The Attorney General is elected by the people for a term of tour
years (Const. 1867, Art.5, sec. 1). He is the Director of the Depart-
ment of Law which was established in 1916. The Attorney General
serves as legal counsel to the Governor, the General Assembly, and to
all departments, boards, or commissions of the State, excepting the