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Maryland Manual, 1955-56
Volume 166, Page 268   View pdf image (33K)
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NOTE: When Baltimore City became a separate governmental entity,
divorced from all county connections, it maintained the officers characteristic
of Maryland county government at that time with the exception of those in
the Executive branch who were called Mayor and Council rather than
Board of County Commissioners. Since that time the expansion of the City
has brought about a high degree of specialization in the executive and ad-
ministrative agencies so that the present government of Baltimore, with the
exception of the traditional county offices and functions, bears little re-
semblance to the government of any of the counties.

It has been thought advisable for the purpose of the MARYLAND MANUAL
to list, first, the traditional county officers which have been carried over
into the City government and second those which are characteristic only
of the City. This distinction is, however, difficult to make in the cases of
more recent functions of local government such as health, welfare and edu-
cation and in these cases these agencies have been listed with the traditional
county officers for the sake of convenience.


State's Attorney Anselm Sodaro 1959
Clerk Superior Court M. Luther Pittman 1958
Clerk Circuit Court Henry J. Ripperger 1958
Clerk Circuit Court No. 2 John S. Clarke 1958
Clerk Baltimore City Court John O. Rutherford 1958
Clerk Criminal Court Lawrence R. Mooney 1958
Clerk Court of Common Pleas Frank C. Robey 1958
Sheriff Joseph C. Deegan 1958
Register of Wills LeRoy C. Shaughnessy 1958
Judges of Orphans' Court Dulaney Foster, Chief Judge 1958
Daniel Friedman 1958
Nellie Marie Marshall 1958
City Surveyor Edward J. Hecker 1959
Board of Supervisors of Elections Charles A. Dorsey, Chairman 1957
George Cavanagh 1957
John Kohler 1957
Supervisor of Assessments Robert L. Mainen indefinite
Director of Assessments John G. Arthur civil service
Commissioner of Health Huntington Williams, M.D. 1956
Chief Medical Examiner Russell S. Fisher, M.D. indefinite
Probation Officer

Supreme Bench of Baltimore Charles F. Snyder indefinite
Home Demonstration Agent Margaret O. Holloway indefintie
Board of License Commissioners Frank J. Hanson, Chairman 1957
James A. Gary, Jr. 1957
Irvin Kovens 1957

Department of Welfare Esther Lazarus, Director 1956
Welfare Advisory Commission Francis A. Davis, Chairman 1958
Harry Cohen 1956
Thomas B. Sprague 1956
Mrs. Roger S. B. Hartz 1958
Mrs. Albert Kuper 1958
Vivian Alleyne 1960
G. C. A. Anderson 1960
Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr. ex-officio
Huntington Williams, M.D., ex-officio


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Maryland Manual, 1955-56
Volume 166, Page 268   View pdf image (33K)
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