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Maryland Manual, 1955-56
Volume 166, Page 260   View pdf image (33K)
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Queen Anne's B. Wayne Kelly Centreville
St. Mary's J. Julius Johnson Leonardtown
Somerset C. Z. Keller Princes Anne
Talbot Roscoe Brown, Jr. Easton
Washington Mark K. Miller Hagerstown
Wicomico Vacancy Salisbury
Worcester Robert T. Grant Snow Hill

Appointed by the State Board of Agriculture for an indefinite term.

Allegany James A. Weamert Cumberland
Anne Arundel George Runge, Jr. Annapolis
Baltimore William M. Buckel Towson

David D. Eigenbrode

Calvert W. B. Vanderford Prince Frederick
Carroll William Allenberg Westminster

Richard L. Clem

Cecil Allen B.Bryant Elkton
Charles William E. Garvey, Jr. La Plata
Dorchester William M. Nixon Cambridge
Frederick R. D. Cassell Frederick

Robert E. Stansfield, Jr.

Garrett J. A. McHenry Oakland
Harford George D. Wood Bel Air

Herbert K. Nicholson

Howard James Albright Ellicott City
Kent S. B. Sutton Chestertown
Montgomery Roscoe Whipp Rockville

Robert Z. Spry

Prince George's Harry A. Menser Upper Marlboro
Queen Anne's Roy D. Porter Centreville
St. Mary's John J. Lancaster, Jr. Leonardtown
Talbot James W. Goodman Easton
Washington Herbert W. Fuller Hagerstown

Richard C. Schukraft

Wicomico R. G. Miller Salisbury
Southern Maryland Claude G. McKee Upper Marlboro

Appointed by the State Board of Agriculture for an indefinite term

Allegany Mary Wise Cumberland
Anne Arundel Miriam F. Parmenter Annapolis
Baltimore Margaret White Towson
Calvert Florence E. Buchanan Prince Frederick
Caroline Gertrude Gronbech Denton
Carroll Esther Gillette Westminster
Cecil Helen 1. Smith Elkton
Charles Anna S. Wills La Plata
Dorchester Hattie E. Brooks Cambridge
Frederick Beatrice Fehr Frederick
Garrett Ethel Grove Oakland
Harford Jean A. Ross Bel Air
Howard June Robertson Ellicott City
Kent Jane C. Boyd Chestertown
Montgomery Catherine Rhoads Rockville
Prince George's Ethel Regan.. . Upper Marlboro
Queen Anne's Ruby Brant . . Centreville


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Maryland Manual, 1955-56
Volume 166, Page 260   View pdf image (33K)
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