can Legion, V.F.W., City Council of Salisbury 1948-1950. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
ROGER B. HARRIS, Democrat, Kent County; born at Worton,
Kent County, July 16, 1895. Attended the public schools of Kent
County and Beacoms Business School at Wilmington, Delaware.
Farmer. Former member of the Board of the Kent County Home.
Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1938.
S. FENTON HARRIS, Republican, Frederick County; born in Fred-
erick County. Attended the public schools of Frederick County, Wes-
tern Maryland College, Lincoln-Jefferson University and the Johns
Hopkins University. School teacher for 36 years, now accountant.
Chairman, Board of Auditors of Frederick County, 1918-1921. Un-
married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
born at Tilghman, Talbot County, Maryland, September 13, 1903. He
attended Talbot County public schools and Sadlers-Bryant-Stratton
Business College. Seafood dealer, Hotel and Fishing Fleet operator.
Member Lions, Elks, Miles River Yacht Club, past president Chesa-
peake Bay Fishing Fair Association. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1954.
TRULY HATCHETT, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Baltimore,
June 15, 1881. He attended Baltimore public schools. Real Estate and
Insurance Broker. Former member of the Baltimore Rehabilitation
Commission, Maryland Interracial Commission and the Board of
Managers of Barrett School for Girls. Chairman of Board of Man-
agers, Druid Hill Avenue Y.M.C.A. Member of Elks. Married. Elected
to the House of Delegates in 1954.
THOMAS J. HATEM, Democrat, Harford County; born at Havre
de Grace, December 7, 1925. He attended Harford County public
schools, University of Maryland and the University of Maryland Law
School. Attorney. Served with U. S. Navy 1943-1946. Former deputy
sheriff of Harford County. Member of the American Legion, Elks,
Moose, Knights of Columbus, and Harford County Bar Association,
president Susquehanna Baseball League. Unmarried. Elected to the
House of Delegates in 1954.
THOMAS H. HEDRICK, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born in Logans-
port, Indiana, December II, 1909. Attended public schools in Logans-
port and Faribault, Minnesota; the University of Minnesota and the
University of Maryland Law School receiving the degree of LL.B.
Attorney. On Active duty with U. S. Coast Guard 1942-1946; pres-
ently Lieutenant Commander, Organized Reserves, U. S. Coast Guard.
Member, American Legion, V.F.W., Baltimore City, Maryland and
American Bar Associations. Unmarried. Elected to the House of Dele-
gates in 1954.
WALTER DALE HESS, Democrat, Harford County; born at Falls-
ton, Harford County, August 17, 1930. He attended Harford County
public schools. Farmer. President Harford County Young Democrat
Club, former National vice-president, Future Farmers of America,
member of Lions, Elks, Moose, Farm Bureau, Grange, National Rifle
Association and Bush River Boat Club. Married. Elected to the House
of Delegates in 1954.
RUSSELL O. HICKMAN, Democrat, Worcester County; born at
Showell, Worcester County, February 5, 1908. He attended Worcester
County public schools. Engaged in small loan business. Member,
Sinepuxent Rod and Gun Club and Berlin Chamber of Commerce.
Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1954.