This Commission has general planning and park jurisdiction over
the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District created in 1927 and
the Maryland-Washington Regional District created in 1939. Both
districts are within Montgomery and Prince George's Counties ad-
joining the District of Columbia and embrace approximately 312
square miles. The 1955 estimated population of the entire Regional
District in both counties exceeds 500,000 people.
The 1955 estimated taxable basis of the Montgomery County por-
tion of the Regional District is $660,000,000 and of the Metropolitan
District $647,000,000. The 1956 estimated taxable basis of the Prince
George's County portion of the Regional District is $437,000,000 and
of the Metropolitan District $335,000,000.
The Commission has been given, through bi-county enactments of
the Maryland General Assembly definite jurisdiction over the plan-
ning of the Maryland-Washington Regional District, which includes
all of suburban Prince George's and Montgomery Counties and a con-
siderable portion of agricultural Montgomery County.
The Commission is composed of six members appointed by the
Governor. Two members must be residents and taxpayers of that
portion, of the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District within
Montgomery County; one may be a resident of any part of Mont-
gomery County; two must be residents and taxpayers of that portion
of the District within Prince George's County; and one may be a
resident of any part of Prince George's County. Members have six-
year overlapping terms, the terms of two of the first appointees from
each county having been for four years. Not more than two members
from each County shall be members of the same political party. The
Commission appoints a Secretary-Treasurer and a General Counsel as
well as all other staff members. Regional offices are maintained in
both counties.
Within the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District, the Com-
mission is empowered to acquire, develop, maintain, and operate a
park system with recreational facilities, the expense of which, includ-
ing debt service, is paid from a separate park tax levied within the
District. The Commission is authorized to cooperate and negotiate
with Federal agencies for financial assistance under the terms of the
Capper-Cramton Act, and with other agencies in the park develop-
ment program.
Within the Maryland-Washington Regional District, which includes
and extends beyond the Metropolitan District, the Commission, is em-
powered to make, adopt, and amend a general plan for the physical
development of the District, including all factors of urban, suburban,
rural, and regional planning. Plans and specifications for the con-
struction of public works improvements and facilities are authorized
to be prepared by the Commission. It is given specific sub-division
control power, and jurisdiction over street grades and locations, pub-
lic buildings and utilities after the adoption of a major road plan
over street naming and house numbering, and the Commission has
advisory zoning powers. The zoning ordinances and amendments,
however, are enacted by the County Council of Montgomery County
and the Board of County Commissioners of Prince George's County
sitting as a District Council for that portion of the District within
each county. The Commission recommends land use or zoning ordi-
nances and similar ordinance subject matters to the respective District
Councils. The administrative expenses of the Commission are paid
from an administrative tax levied within the District. The taxes