Maryland, and one must be a competent, journeyman electrician who
has served at the business for a period of ten years. All members
must be practical electricians of Baltimore City. The Board examines
all persons for certificates of proficiency as a master Electrician. No
person is permitted to install electrical lighting or wiring, or conduc-
tors for electrical light, heat, or power except under the supervision
of a licensed master electrician. The Board is also empowered to adopt
rules and regulations with regard to the placing, installing, and oper-
ating of electrical wires, appliances, and apparatus in Baltimore City
(Acts 1906, ch. 244; 1949, ch. 671).
Appropriations 1955 1956
Special Fund .................................... $5,641 $5,468
Staff: None.
President: A. L. Trussell, O.D., 1955
Morris 1. Seltzer, O.D., 1950, Albert B. Boulden, O.D., 1957;
Ralph A. Highbarger, 1957.
G. William Seabold, O.D., Secretary-Treasurer, 1957
115 W. Monument Street, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Plaza 2-5473
This Board was created in 1914 when the Governor appointed five
persons, for terms of four years, from a list endorsed by the Maryland
Association of Optometrists. Since 1923, members have been ap-
pointed for four-year terms (Code 1939, Art. 43, sec. 363). The Board
administers the Optometry laws of the State and regulates the practice
of Optometry. It examines, licenses, and registers. Applicants for
examination must be 21 years of age or over and graduates of colleges
of Optometry or university schools of Optometry accredited by the
American Optometric Association and the International Association
of Boards of Examiners in Optometry, and approved by the Board.
The credentials of the applicant must comply with standards set by
this Board. Two examinations are held each year, usually in January
and July, in the following subjects: anatomy, physiology, theoretic
optics, pathology, physiological optics, practical optics, theoretical
Optometry, perimetry, diagnosis, prescription determination, contact
lenses, practical Optometry, orthoptics, visual training, and optometric
jurisprudence. For just cause, the Board may revoke any certificate
of registration or examination (Code 1951, Art. 43, secs. 343-363).
Appropriations 1955 1956
Special Fund ..................................... $1,984 $1,984
Staff: None.
President: Evelyn C. Luke, 1959
L. A. Winokur, 1959; Gifford E. Luke, 1959; Joseph
Lindstrom, 1957.
Christopher L. Ginn, Secretary, 1957
419 N. Charles Street, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Saratoga 7-6309
The Board of Osteopathic Examiners was established in 1914. The
Board is composed of five members appointed by the Governor from
a full list of members in good standing of the Maryland Osteopathic
Association.. The term of office is for three years (Code 1951, Art. 43,
secs. 428-441).