Vacation Trade, promotion of ...... 115
Vending Stand Department........ 59
Veterans Commission, Maryland. . . . 116
Water Resources, Allegany County. . 132
Water Resources Commission....... 88
Water Resources, Department of
Veterans of Foreign Wars......... 116
Water and Sewer Authority,
Veterans Memorial Commission,
Wicoraico County ........... 295
Arsenal and ............... 117
Water Supply, Montgomery and
Veterinary Medical Examiners, State
Prince George's County....... 131
Board of .................. 120
Water-Ways, regulated ............ 88
Veto Power of Governor........... 27
Water Well Drillers, licensed ....... 88
Victor F. Cullen State Hospital.... 69
Weather Service, State............ 90
Vienna, Maryland, invaded. ....... 20
Weekly Newspapers .............. 543
Virginia Company ............... 15
Weights and Measures, Inspectors of
Vital Records and Statistics,
Anne Arundel County.......... 292
Charles County ............... 293
Vocational Education ............ 55, 59
Weights and Measures, supervision
of .....................63, 93
Vocational Education, Division of... 55
Vocational Guidance ............. 49
Welfare, Board of Public........72, 110
Vocational Rehabilitation,
Welfare, State Department of
Division of ................ 55
Public ..................72, 277
Vocational Schools, licensed ........ 55
Welfare Boards, (Local)
appointment ............... 73, 277
Baltimore City ............... 297
Counties, list ................. 277
Wages, State Employees. . ......33, 52
Well Drillers, licensed ............. 88
Walsh Healy Act ................ 46
West Nottingham Academy......237, 242
Walters Art Gallery .............. 301
Western Maryland College. .237, 242, 542
War Ballot Commission, Stafy?..... 136
Western Shore Treasurers......... 492
War Between the States........... 21
Wicomico County
War Memorial Commission ......... 116
alcoholic beverages licenses..... 32
War of 1812 .................... 21
area ........................ 529
Warrants ....................... 113
cities and towns ............... 528
War Records Division............. 115
County seat .................. 522
Washington, D. C.
Court terms ................. 524
see District of Columbia
Delegates .................... 165
Washington Cemetery Trustees .... 136
Democratic Central Committee... 342
Washington College .......237, 242, 542
election returns ............305-335
Washington County
name and origin............... 522
area ........................ 529
Officers ...............261-291, 295
cities and towns .............. 528
population ................ 533, 541
County seat ................. 521
Republican Central Committee... 347
Court terms .... ............. 524
Senator ..................... 161
Delegates .................... 164
taxable basis ................. 256
Democratic Central Committee... 342
Wicomico County Water and Sewer
election returns ............305-335
Authority .................. 295
name and origin............... 521
Women, employment regulated...... 46
Officers ............... 261-291, 295
Women. Reformatory for.........97, 98
population ................ 533, 541
Women's Hospital ............239, 241
Republican Central Committee... 347
Women's Prison ................. 97
Senator ...................... 161
Woodstock College ............... 542
taxable basis ................. 256
Worcester County
Washington County Hospital....240, 241
alcoholic beverage licenses...... 32
Washington Metropolitan Area
area ........................ 529
129, 130, 131
cities and towns .............. 529
Washington Missionary College..... 542
County seat .................. 522
Washington Monument State Park. 13, 87
Washington Sanatorium and
Hospital ................ 240, 241
Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission ................ 131
Water Companies, regulated ....... 42
Court terms ................. 524
Delegates .......... ......... 165
Democratic Central Committee . . . 342
election returns ............ 305-335
name and origin ............... 522
Officers ...................261-291
Water Front Commission.......... 88
Republican Central Committee . . . 347
Water Pollution ...............91, 135
Senator ..................... 161
Water Pollution Control Commission. 91
taxable basis ................. 256