investments .................. 251
powers and duties............27-128
property ................ 29, 30, 252
publications, bibliography ...141-153
publications, depository ..37,113,115
records ....................30, 114
State Accident Fund, Commissioners
of the ..................... 48
State Appeal Board.............32, 283
State Auditor ................... 33
State Central Committees
Democratic .................. 339
Republican .................. 343
State Employees
employment .................. 51
payroll bureau ................ 33
Retirement System ............ 52
Salary Plan .................. 51
State Forest Nursery.............13, 86
State Forests .................. 13, 86
State Government, Commission to
Study the Administrative Or-
ganization of the ............ 136
State Guard ...................27, 99
State House .................... 112
State Office Building.............. 112
State Officers, Historical List...... 483
State Parks ............. IS, 87, 88, 110
State Police, Department of. 101, 109, 248
State Police Retirement System ..... 53
State Property .............29, 30, 252
State Publications
depositories ............ 37, 113, 115
list of ....................141-153
State Reporter, The............... 189
State Sanatorium ................ 69
State, Secretary of
see Secretary of State
State Tax Rate .................. 257
State Treasurer ................. 33
State Use Industries..........95, 96, 97
State's Attorneys
accounts audited .............. 34
Baltimore City ............... 296
Counsel ..................... 37
Counties, list ................. 261
Steam Boiler Engineers, licensed. . . . 120
Steam Boiler Inspection Law....... 46
Stream Pollution ..............91, 135
Street Railways, regulated......... 42
Strikes, mediation of .............. 46
Suburban Hospital ............240, 241
Subversive Activities Act
administration of ............. 87
referendum on ................ 321
Superintendent of Public Buildings
and Grounds ............... 112
Superintendent of Schools, State.... 54
Superintendents of Schools, Counties 227
Superior Court of Baltimore City. . . 191
clerk of ..................... 296
Supervisors of Assessments
see Assessments, Supervisors of
Supervisors of Elections, Boards of
see Elections, Supervisors of
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
Election Returns ..308,313,330,335
Judges ...................... 191
Terms of Courts............... 522
Supreme Court, U. S., Justices from
Maryland .................. 515
Baltimore City ............... 296
Counties, list ................. 267
Surveyors, Land, licenses.......... 128
Susquehanna River Bridge......... 106
Swallow Falls State Forest .......13, 86
Sylvan Retreat ...............240, 241
Talbot County
area ........................ 529
cities and towns .............. 528
County seat ................. 521
Court terms .................. 524
Delegates .................... 164
Democratic Central Committee . . . 342
election returns ............ 305-335
name and origin ............... 521
Officers ...............261-291, 295
population ................ 533, 541
Republican Central Committee . . . 347
Senator ..................... 161
taxable basis ................. 256
Talking Book Machines, distribution 59
appeals ...................... 35
assessment ................... 35
basis ........................ 256
collection .................... 31
distribution ........31, 105, 106, 209
levying ...................... 158
rates ........................ 257
sources ..................... 195
study ......................32, 38
Tax (types of)
admissions ................... 31
ad-valorem ................... 131
alcoholic beverages ............ 31
amusement ................... 31
apples ....................... 94
corporation .............. 31, 34, 35
gasoline .................... 31, 35
income ..................... 31, 35
motor vehicles .........31, 105, 108
park ...................129, 130
property ..................... 35
sales ........................ 31
solid fuels ................... 31
title ..................... 105, 108
use ......................... 31
Tax Commission, State. .34, 114, 247, 274
Tax Court, Montgomery County Ap-
peal ...................... 294
Tax Maps, preparation............ 114
Tax Rate, State .................. 257
Taxable Basis, 1951-1952 ......... 256
Taxicabs, Baltimore City, regulated . . 42