see General Assembly
Lelund, Eugene, Memorial
Hospital ................239, 241
Levindale Hebrew Home and
Infirmary ............... 240, 241
Librarian, State ................. 112
Libraries, Department of Public,
Montgomery County ......... 294
Library Extension, Division of ..... 55
Library, Maryland State........... 112
Library Trustees, Boards of ........ 285
License Bureau .................. 31
License Commissioners, Boards of
Baltimore City ............... 297
Counties ..................... 283
see also Liquor Control Boards
License Office, Central............ 117
Air Navigators ............... 43
Airports ..................... 43
Alcoholic Beverages ...... 31, 32, 283
Architects ................... 127
Automobile .................. 108
Barbers ..................... 123
Boxing ...................... 43
Child Care Agencies ........... 73
Chiropodist .................. 125
Chiropractors ................ 127
Civil Engineers ............... 128
Dairies ...................... 63
Dental Hygienists ............ 118
Dentists ..................... 118
Drivers ..................... 108
Electrical Engineers .......... 128
Electricians .................. 124
Embalmers ................... 122
Employment Agencies ......... 46
Engineers, professional ........ 128
Explosives ................... 41
Fin-fishing ................... 82
Fishing ...................... 83
Funeral Directors ............. 1 22
Hairdressers ................. 126
Hospitals .................... 71
Hunting ..................... 83
Installment Sales ............. 41
Insurance Brokers ...........40, 41
Land Surveyors .............. 128
Loan Companies .............. 41
Mechanical Engineers ......... 128
Mental Hospitals ............. 77
Motion Picture Operators....... 126
Nurses ...................... 123
Optometrists ................. 124
Osteopaths ................... 125
Pharmacists .................. 122
Physical Therapists ........... 128
Physicians ................... 119
Pilots ....................... 43
Plumbers .................... 118
Private Detectives ............ 102
Racing Corporations ........... 44
Rating Bureaus ............... 41
Real Estate Agents............ 45
Stationary Engineers .......... 120
Tobacco Commission Agencies ... 93
Trade Schools ................ 55
Tree Experts ................. 86
Vocational Schools ............ 55
Water Well Drillers ............ 88
Wrestling .................... 43
Licenses and Inspections, Department
of, Montgomery County ...... 294
Licensing Boards ................ 117
Liquor Control Boards............ 284
see also License Commissioners,
Boards of, Appeal Board, State
Liquor Control, Department of, Mont-
gomery County ............. 294
Lithuania Day .................. 519
Live Stock Sanitary Service ........ 63
Loan Laws, Administrator of ....... 41
Lobbyists, registered ............ 29
Local Agents (agricultural) ........ 287
Local Government, Officers of ...... 259
Local Health Service, Division of... 68
Local Home Demonstration Agents. . 288
Logan Field ..................... 22
London Virginia Company......... 15
Lords Baltimore ................. 483
Loyola College .................. 542
Lutheran Hospital of Maryland . . 239, 241
Police, Baltimore City.......... 297
Trial, Counties ............... 268
Magnetic Surveys ................ 88
Maintenance Division ............ 104
Males, Maryland State Reformatory
for ....................... 96
Management, Bureau of ............ 68
Manufactures, production statistics . . 13
Appellate Judicial Circuits...... 188
Congressional Districts ........ 505
Judicial Circuits .............. 187
Roads ............ inside back cover
Maps, Bureau of Control Surveys and 107
Maps, early Maryland............. 15
Maps, Library of ................. 108
Maps, preparation of
geologic ..................... 88
roads ....................... 105
tax ......................... 114
topographic .................. 88
Marketing, County Regional Agent
for ....................... 286
Marketing information
agriculture ................... 62
tobacco ...................... 93
Markets, Maryland State Department
of ........................ 62
Marriage records ................ 68
area ........................ 529
Charter ..................... 349
cities and towns .............. 524
Constitution ................. 363
Great Seal ...29, pamphlet back cover
Historical Sketch ............. 15
Maps, early .................. 15