Governor of Maryland
Theodore Roosevelt McKeldin was born November 20, 1900, in Baltimore
City, one of the eleven children of the late James A. and Dora (Greif)
McKeldin. He is married to the former Honolulu Manzer, They have a eon
and a daughter, Theodore, Jr., and Clara.
Governor McKeldin was educated in the public schools of Baltimore, and
after completing his elementary education, he took his high school courses at
night in the Baltimore City College while working during the days. He also
took his law course in night classes at the University of Maryland where he
received an LL.B. degree in 192?. He took postgraduate work in economics
at Johns Hopkins University.
While practicing law in Baltimore since 1926, the Governor also was on
the faculty of the University of Baltimore Law School, the Baltimore College
of Commerce, the Bard-Avon School, the Baltimore Institute and the Forest
Park Evening High School. He is nationally known as a public speaker.
The Governor has honorary degrees (Doctor of Laws) from Rider College,
Trenton, New Jersey (1949); Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland;
Morgan State College and the University of Maryland, Maryland; Beaver
College, Jenkintown, Pa.; and Hanover College, Hanover, Ind. (all 1951);
Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah, (Litt.D,); Indiana Central Col-
lege,, Indianapolis, Ind., (Litt.D.) (1952); Ithaca College, Ithaca, N. Y.,
(LL.D.); Anderson College, Anderson, Ind. (LL.D.); Loyola College, Balti-
more, Md. (L.H.D.) (1953).
He was Mayor of Baltimore from 1943 to 1947, and was elected Governor
of Maryland in 1910 by the largest majority ever given any candidate for
that office.
A lifelong Republican, his first public position was that of secretary to
Mayor William F. Broening of Baltimore.
As Mayor of Baltimore, he was responsible for many governmental reforms
and improvements, including the revision and modernization of the then
antiquated City Charter. Important projects for the improvement of the city's
physical plant also were launched during his administration, including the
great Friendship International Airport, the big Patapsco River addition to
the water supply system, the new tuberculosis wing at the City Hospitals, the
Civic Center in the City Hall area which includes the new People's Court,
widespread health center and school construction. He also inaugurated the
Baltimore Plan of slum clearance which has attracted considerable attention
throughout the world.