RetormaMry for Women........... 89
Refrigerating Companies, regulated. . 37
Regents? Board of
membership ................. 54
powers and duties. ........... 56
Regional Agent for Marketing..... 243
Registered Nurses, licensing. ...... 115
.Registers o( Wills
accounts audited ............. 27
Baltimore City ............... 252
counsel ..................... 31
Counties (list) ............... 220
Registry, Permanent Boards of
Allegany County ............. 248
Anne Arundel County. ......... 248
Frederick County ............. 249
Montgomery County ........... 250
Washington County ........... 251
Belief, Veterans ................. 108
Religious Toleration Act. ......... 13
Representatives in Congress,
Historical list ............. 439
Repudiation Day, Frederick County. 449
Republican State Central Committees 285
Research, Division of Finance and. . 50
Research Activities
agricultural .................. 57
biological .................... 81
educational .................. 50
inventory of ................ 102
legislative ................... 150
Research and Education, Department
of ........................ 81
^Research Division ............... 150
Reservoirs, construction regulated. . 79
Retail Sales Tax. ................ 25
Retirement Systems
Police ...................... 48
State Employees .............. 47
Teachers ........... ......... 48
Revenue, distribution
amount, 1950 ................ 204
supervision .................. 25
Revenue Estimates, Board of. ...... 26
.Revenue Estimates, Bureau of...... 26
Revolving Fund ................. 30
Right of Way Division. ........... 96
Ritchie State Hospital............ 63
.Road Camps .................... 88
Road Superintendents
Carroll County ............... 249
Dorchester County ............ 249
Howard County .............. 249
Somerset County ............. 251
Roads Supervisors
Allegany County ............. 248
Washington County ........... 251
Roads Commission, Frederick County 249
Roads Commission, State. ...... .96 102
Roads Engineers
Baltimore County ............. 248
Washington County ........ 250
Rocks State Park, The. .......... .9, 78
Rosewood State Training School... 72
Rural Population, 1790-1950....... 462
Sabotage ....................... 92
industrial ................... 42
mine ........................ 80
traffic ..................... 94,101
Safety, Board of Public, Baltimore
City ...................... 257
Safety Board, Montgomery County. . 250
Safety Department ............... 42
St. AgneB Hospital. ........... 194, 196
St. Charles College............... 53
St. Elizabeth's Home. ........... 193
St. Francis Orphanage............ 193
St. Gabriel's Home for Convalescent
Girls ................... 195, 197
St. John's College .......... 14, 53, 198
St. Joseph's Hospital ........ .194, 196
St. Leo's Italian Orphanage. ...... 193
St. Mary's County
area ........................ 459
cities and tow^s. ............. 458
County seat ................. 451
Court terms ................. 454
Delegates ................... 154
Democratic Central Comniittre. . 284
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin .............. 451
Officers .............. .219-247, 251
population ............... .403, 470
Republican Central Committee... 288
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................. 215
St. Mary's Hospital ........... 195, 197
St. Mary's Industrial School. ...... 193
St. Mary's Seminary ............ 58
St. Mary's Seminary Junior
College ................... 53, 60
St. Mary's Villa ................ 193
St. Vincent's Infant Home. ....... 193
St. Vincent's Male Orphan Aaylum. 193
Salary Board, State Employees..... 40
Sales Tax ...................... 25
Salisbury State Teachers College.. 52, 53
Sandy Point State Park. ......... .9, 78
Sanitary Commission, Anne Arundel
County .................... 248
Sanitary Commission, "Washington
Suburban ................. 124