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Maryland Manual, 1951-52
Volume 164, Page 524   View pdf image (33K)
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Inspector of Tobacco. ............. 84
Installment Sales Division. ........ 36
Installment Sales Law, ............ 36
Instruction, Division of........... 49
Instruction, Superintendent of Public 252
Insurance CompaTues, supervision. . 35
Insuram'e Department ............ 35
Insurance, Financial Responsibility. 100
Insurance, Industrial Carrier. ...... 4^i
Insurance. State ................. 27
International Association of Boards
of Examiners in Optometry. . . 117
International Brotherhood of Electri-
cal Workers of Maryland. .... 116
Interracial Problems and Relations,
Commission on ............. 69
Interstate Commerce Commission. ... 37
Interstate Commission on the
Potomac River Basin. ....... 127
Interstate Compacts
Atlantic Fisheries ............ 126
Civil Defense ................ 92
formation of ................. 126
Parole and Probation. ......... 90
Potomac River ............... 127
Tidewater Fisheries ........... 74
IntRTState Cooperation Commission. . 125
Interstate Motor Carrier Supervision 37
Investments, State ............... 210


Jail Board, Baltimore City. ........ 356
Jluls, CottQty, inspection ........... 87
Jewish Family and Children's Bureau 193
John Brown's Raid. .............. 17
Johns Hopkins Hospital. ...... .194, 196
Johns Hopliing University, The 18, 52, 198

Circuit Courts ............... 178
Court of Appeals.............. 179
Court of Appeals—Historical list 428
Orphans' Court—Baltimore City. 252
Orphans' Courts—Counties ..... 221
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City 179
Judicial Circuits, Map............ 175
Judicial Circuits. Appellate, Map... 176
election returns .......... .264, 277
members .................... 173
Junior Colleges
Accredited ................... 53
State ....................... 60
Justices of the Peace
appointment ................. 21
Baltimore City (list) .......... 254
Counties (list) ............... 228
traffic fines .................. 101

Justices of the V. S. Supreme Court
from Maryland . . .... .... 445

Juvenile Court, Baltimore City. .... 179


Kent County
area ........................ 459
cities and towns. ............. 456
County seat .................. 451
Court terms ................. 453
Delegates .................... 154
'Democratic Central Committpe. .. 283
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin............... 451
Officers ................. .219-246
population ............... .463, 470
Republican Central Committee . , . 288
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................. 215
Kent and Queen Anne General
Hospital ............... .195, 197
King William'a School. ........... 15
Kosher Meat and Food Control,
Bureau of, Baltimore City. .... 257


Labor, Agricultural .............. 4,4
Labor and Industry, Department of. . 40
Labor Statistics ............... .41, 44
Laboratories, Bureau of........... 62
Land-Grant Act of 1862 ........... 56
• 'Land Grant'' College ............ 54
Land Office, Commissioner of The. . . 105
Land Records ................ 105,106
Land Surveyors, Board of Registra-
tion for Professional Enginpera
and ....................... 120
Law, Department of.............. 31
Law Examiners, Board of......... 113
Law Library .................... 104
Laws, Divorce, Commission to Study 132
Laws, Index to.................. 32
Laws, Local, Commission to Study. . 130
Laws of Maryland, distribution. .... 105
Laws, Public Service Commission,
Commission to Study. ........ 132
Laws, Traffic, Commission to Study. . 132
Laws, Unemployment Compensation,
Commission to Study......... 132
Laws Uniform State.............. 32
League for Crippled Children,
Maryland .................. 199
Leases, State ................ 23, 24, 29
Legal Holidays .................. 449
enactment ................... 147
proposed .................... 149
signing ...................... 21


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Maryland Manual, 1951-52
Volume 164, Page 524   View pdf image (33K)
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