Gas, tests of..................... 37
Gas Companies, regulated .......... 87
Gas Meters, testing. .............. 37
Gasoline Tax .................. .25, 97
Gathland State Park .............. 9, 78
General Assembly
biographical sketches of members 155
election returns .............. 265
House of Delegates Roster. ..... 152
Interstate Cooperation
Committees ................ 124
legal assistance ............... 31
legislation drafted .......... 32, 149
Journal, distributed ........... 105
photographs of Members, .before 161
powers and duties. ............ 147
Senate Roster ................ 150
vacancies filled ............. 2t, 147
General Election Returns.......... 261
GrenCTal German Orphan Home. .... 193
Geography of Maryland........... 9
Geologic Surveys ................ 79
Geological and Economic Survey. . .79, 96
Geology, Mines and Water Resources,
Department of ............. 79
George F. Bragg Church Home for
Boys ...................... 193
Girls Training Schools for. ....... 68
Goucher College ................. 52
accounts audited .............. 27
appointments .......... .21, 22, 147
biographical sketch ........... 2
budget ..........21,23,29,147,148
counsel ...................... 31
election returns .......... .261, 273
pardons and paroles. ........ .21, 90
powers and duties........... 21, 147
vacancy in office.............. 147
vetoes ....................... 148
Governor's Advisory Council. ...... 23
Governors, Colonial .............. 41S
Governor's Committee on Interstate
Cooperation ................ 125
Governor's Committee for the
Promotion of the Physically
Handicapped ............... 44
Governors' Councils .............. 419
Governors, Historical list. ......... 418
Governor's Military Staff. ......... 22
Great Seal
Custodian ................... 22
description ..... Pamphlet back cover
Grading Services ........'.....,.. 57
Grange, Maryland State........... 77
Graves, veterans, registry......... 108
Green Ridge State Forest. ......... 9, 78
Gwynnbrook State Game Farm..... 76
H Page
Hagerstown Junior College .... 53
Hairdressers and Beauty Culturists,
Board of .................. 119
Hall of .Records Commission. . . . .24, 106
Happy Hills Convalescent Home
For Children ........... 195, 197
Hartord County
area ........................ 459
cities and towns............... 456
County seat .................. 451
Court terms .................. 453
Delegates .................... 152
Democratic Central Committee... 283
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin............... 451
Officers ............... 219-246, 249
population ............... .463, 470
Republican Central Committee... 287
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................ 215
Hal-ford Memorial Hospital..... 195, 197
Health, County Boards of. ......... 62
Health, State Board of............ 61
Health, State Department of
animal diseases .............. 58
crippled, children, aid. ......... 199
medical care planning. ......... 102
ont-patient care .............. 199
personnel .................... 61
' powers and duties............. 62
Health Commission, Advisory,
Montgomery County ......... 250
Health Commissioner of Baltimore
City ...................... 253
Health Officers, County. ........... 238
Health Services, Division of Local.. 62
Health Services, State-Aided. ...... 199
Heart Disease Control, Division of. . 62
Heating Companies, supervision. .... 37
Henryton State Hospital.......... 63
High School Equivalent
Examinations ........... .49, 116
High Schools, Course in State
Government ..,.....,,,...., 131
Highway Construction, Advisory
Council ................... 97
Highway Construction Bonds...... 97
construction and maintenance. .96, 97
federal aid ................. 97,99
financing .................... 97
planning ..................... 102
see also Roads Commission, State
Highways Engineer, Hartord County 249
Hill-Burton Act ................. 65
Historical Sketch ................ 11
Historical Society, Maryland. .. .108, 199
Holidays, Legal ................. 449