Cabinet Members from Maryland. . . 445
Calvert-Claiborne Controversy ..... 13
Calvert County
area ........................ 459
cities and- to-wns. ............. 455
County seat ................. 450
Court terms ................. 452
Delegates ................... 153
Democratic Central Committee. . 282
Judges ...................... 178
name and. origin. ............. 450
Officers ............. .219-245, 249
population ............... .463, 468
Republican Central Committee... 286
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................ 215
Calvert County Hospital. ...... .194, 196
Cambridge-Maryland General
Hospital ............... 194, 196
Camp Bambridge ................ 18
Cancer Control, Division of........ 62
Cantaloupes 'Maturity Law. ........ 57
Capital Improvements ..... .23, 102, 103
Capper-Crampton Act ............ 122
Cardinal Gibbons Institute......... 199
Caroline County
area ........................ 459
cities and towns.............. 455
County seat .................. 450
Court terms .................. 452
Delegates .................... 153
Democratic Central Committee... 282
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin.............. 450
Officers ................... 219-245
population ................ 463, 468
.Republican Central Committee... 286
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................ 215
Carroll County
area, ........................ 469
cities and towns.............. 455
County seat ................. 450
Court terms ................. 453
Delegates ................... 153
Democratic Central Committee. . . 282
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin............... 460
Officers .............. 219-245, 249
population ............... .463, 469
Republican Central Committee. . . 287
Senator ..................... 161
taxable basis ................ 215
Cash Disbursements, 1950. ........ 200
Catholic Charities, Inc., Associated. . 193
Catholics ....................... 12
Catoctin Soil Conservation
District Supervisors ......... 245
Cattle diseases .................. 58
Cecil County
area ........................ 459
cities and towns.............. 455
County seat .................. 450
Court terms ................. 453
Delegates ................... 153
Democratic Central Committee.. 282
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin. ............. 450
Officers .............. .219-245, 249
population ................463, 469
Republican Central Committee... 287
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................ 215
Cedarville State Forest........... 9, 78
Censors, Motion Picture............ 39
Census of 1950.................. 460
Centennial Biblical Institute....... 59
"Certificates of Competency." Mine 80
Certified Public Accounts,
certification of ............. 113
Certification and Accreditation,
Division of ................ 50
Charitable Institutions
donable foods .......... ...... 30
regulation ................... 66
Charles County
area ........................ 459
cities and towns. ............. 455
County seat ................. 450
Court terms ................. 453
Delegates .................... 153
Democratic Central Committee... 282
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin............... 450
Officers .............. .219-246, 249
population ............... .463, 469
Republican Central Committee... 287
Senator ..................... 151
taxable oasis ................ 215
Charlotte Hall School............. 198
Charier of Maryland.............. a9l
Cheltenham School for Bovs. ...... 67
Chemical Engineers, registration... 120
Chesapeake Bay, exploration of. ... 11
Chesapeake Bay Bridge.......... 18, 99
Chesapeake Bay Ferry System..... 98
Chesapeftke Biological Laboratory... 81
Chief Engineers
Baltimore County ............ 248
State ....................... 103
Chief Judge, Court of Appeals. ..... 177
Chief Judges, Court of Appeals,
historical list .............. 430
Child Care Agencies, licensing:...... 67
Child Health, Division of
Maternal and .............. 62
Child Labor Laws................ 41
Child Study Center ol Maryland. .. . 193
adoption .................... 67
crippled .................. .62, 199