Republican Central Committee... 285
Sanitary Commission .......... 248
Senator ..................... 150
taxable basis ................ 215
Anna Arundel General Hospital.. 1 94, 196
Antietam, Battle of. ........... .17, 125
Appeal Board, State. .......... .25, 240
Appeal Tax Court, Montgomery
County .................... 250
Appeals, Boards of Standards and,
Montgomery and Prince
George's Counties .......... 250
assessment .................. 28
judicial ..................... 177
motor vehicle ................ 101
tax .......................29,240
zoning ............... 248,250,257
Appellate Judicial Circuits........ 177
map of ...................... 176
Apple Commission. State. ......... 85
Apple Grading Law. .............. 57
State agencies ............... 183
State-aided institutions ........ 193
Aptitude tests administered........ 44
Appointments, Governor's .......31,23
Architects, American Institute of... 104
Architects, Board of Examiners and
.Registration of ............. 120
Architectural Review, Board of. .... 103
Baltimore City ............... 32
State ....................... 106
Archivist ....................... 106
Area of State ................... 9,459
Arsenal and Veterans Memorial
Commission ................ 109
Armed Services, voting. ........... 128
location ..................... 92
supervision .................. 91
Army, Department ol............. 91
Art, Baltimore Museum of. ........ 2S7
Art Commission, Baltimore City.... 257
Art Gallery, Walters. ............. 257
Articles of Ooniederation. ......... 17
signers ...................... 431
Assessed Valuation .............. 215
Assessments, Director of Baltimore
City ...................... 256
Assessments, supervision ......... 28
Assessments, Supervisors of
appointments ................. 28
Baltimore City ............... 252
County (list) ................ 231
Assets, State ................... 208
Assistant County Agents. ......... 243
Assistant Home Demonstration
Agents .................... 244
Associated Catholic Charities, Inc... 193
Associated Mutual Savings Banks of
Baltimore .................. 34
Association of American Medical
Colleges ................... Ill
Association of Freemen. ........... 16
Athletic ComniiBsion, State. ....... 37
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
Commission ................ 126
Attorney General
accounts audited .............. 27
duties ....................... 31
election returns .......... .262, 275
vacancy in office.............. 21
Attorneys, admission to
practice ............... .113, 177
Attorneys General, Historical list... 430
Auditor, Baltimore City. .......... 256
Auditor, State ................... 27
see Motor Vehicles
Aviation Commission, State. ....... 38
Aviation Commission, Baltimore
County Advisory ........... 248
Aviation Department, Baltimore City 257
Aviators, non-resident accidents.... 23
Balance Sheet, State,
fiscal year 1950............... 208
Bainbridge, Camp ............... 18
Baltimore, Barons of.............. 413
Baltimore City
archives ..................... 33
area ........................ 459
Court terms .................. 452
Delegates .................... 152
Democratic Central Committee. . 281
electricians licensed ........... 116
Judges ...................... 179
Legislative Districts .......... 147
Legislative "Reference,
Department of ........... 32, 257
Magistrates .................. 253
Mayor ...................256,455
motion picture operators
licensed ................... 118
name and origin.............. 450
Officers ................... 252-257
People's Court ............... 179
population ................ 463, 468
Republican Central Committee.. 285
Senator ..................... 150
stationary engineers .......... 112
Supreme Bench of............. 179
taxable basis ................. 215
taxicabs regulated ............ 37